Culver Council Approves Bond Ordinance for Water Treatment Facility

culver town hall

The Culver Town Council has taken another step toward upgrading its water treatment facility.

During a special meeting on Tuesday night, an ordinance that allows a bond issuance to take place was considered. Culver is in the process of undertaking a $1.6-million upgrade to its water treatment facility. Fees and other expenses put the project in the $2.2-million range.
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Culver Turns to Water Project Funding

culver town hall

Bids have been awarded, but now the Town of Culver is focusing on just how to fund upgrades to their water treatment facility.

The Culver Town Council has set a special meeting for June 2nd to adopt an ordinance allowing bonds to be issued to fund the $1.7-million. A separate ordinance specifying new rates for water consumption will also be introduced at the June 2nd meeting. The water rate ordinance will likely be adopted in mid-June.
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Winamac Water Surveys Complete, Data Being Compiled

Winamac Town Hall
Winamac Town Hall

The last of the necessary surveys has been received to qualify for grant funds.

The Town of Winamac has expressed interest in exploring for additional water resources. Currently, there are two wellheads in the same water source that Winamac pulls from to bring water to local homes. Concerns over safety and contamination, however, have prompted the town to solicit funds to explore for a new source of water.
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Culver Town Council Bringing Back Water Flouridation Issue

culver town hall

The Culver Town Council will be picking up where it left off on a matter of public health.

During their previous meeting, the Culver Town Council tabled a matter that members said needed additional discussion. The Town is in the process of designing a new water treatment facility. Engineers are at the point where a few decisions need to be made regarding chemical treatments for the water.
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Culver Town Council Needs More Time for Flouridation Considerations

culver town hall

The Culver Town Council has a decision to make regarding public health, but decided to postpone providing direction until more council members were present.

The Town is in the process of designing a new water treatment facility. At this point in the design, engineers are requesting council input on whether the Town will use fluoride in the water treatment process.
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Charbonneau Focuses on Indiana’s Water Resources

State Senator Ed Charbonneau
State Senator Ed Charbonneau

State Senator Ed Charbonneau is touting two bills that received unanimous approval in the Indiana Senate.

Both bills attempt to analyze and secure the Hoosier State’s water resources. Senate Bill 473 requires the Indiana Department of Natural Resources to monitor water resources and provides an avenue for volunteers to conduct the work. It would focus on areas where water withdrawals could exceed the natural replenishing rate.
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Summer Safety: Water Tips

swimsafelyThere’s no time like the summertime! 8 person hot tubs are a must-have accessory for a family party. It’s finally warm enough to go swimming. As you’re breaking out your bikini or swim trunks, take some time to remember certain safety measures to practice when it comes to water. The Red Cross has a number of helpful tips for disaster prevention.

Never leave a child unattended! Even if lifeguards are present, there should be a designated familiar adult easily accessible to the child. Have young or inexperienced swimmers wear a life jacket or some kind of flotation device. Teach children to always ask permission before going near water. Practice the “buddy system” when swimming, even if at a public pool or beach.

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Indiana State Police Warns Drivers of Flood Waters

weather spotter trainingWith unexpectedly high rains soaking the Kankakee Valley, the Indiana State Police has released a reminder for drivers who may be impacted by accumulated standing water.

Heavy rainfall increases the possibility for flooding. Floods occur as streams and rivers overflow their banks, which can occur from deep snow run off or during heavy rainfall. Flash floods can occur rapidly and unexpectedly, after just a few minutes of heavy rain fall or hours of significant precipitation. Hoosiers who live in flood prone areas should always be conscious of the threat of flash floods when receiving significant rainfall.

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