The Winamac Town Board this week received an estimate on the repairs of the Winamac Municipal Pool, and according to Town Manager Jim Conner, it might be a better investment to simply build a new one. Conner said the estimate came back from the Spear Corporation at $513,741 to repair the pool – a hefty price tag spurred by the fact that the pool is 50 years old.
Town of Winamac Reviewing Waste Collection Bids
For the first time in several decades, the town of Winamac is considering the possibility of hiring a private company to collect the town’s garbage. According to Town Manager Jim Conner, the town’s street department has been collecting the garbage and disposing of it, but the town board recently sought bids to determine whether or not a company could perform the work at a lower cost.
Winamac Town Board Holds Hearing on Budget
The Winamac Town Board held a preliminary hearing on the 2014 budget. Town Manager Jim Conner said no public comment was made during the hearing.
“The final adoption will be at our October meeting on the 14th,” stated Conner. “We tried to cut it back some for next year so that we’re not using so much cash-on-hand and tryin got get around to having a balanced budget.”
Winamac Town Board Gets Update on Hotel Development
The Winamac Town Board did get a draft report on a comprehensive marketing plan for a hotel in Winamac.
Town Manager Jim Conner said the study was done by Hospitality Marketers, Inc.
Winamac Town Board Holds Pool Discussion
The Winamac Town Board discussed the funds going toward the Winamac Municipal Pool and how much money is being sunk into the deteriorating structure.
Town Manager Jim Conner said the maintenance on the 50-year pool is costly and the board wanted the opinion of town residents on what to do about the pool.
Winamac Town Board to Meet Tonight
The Winamac Town Board members will be going over the 2014 budget during their regular meeting tonight.
Along with the budget discussion, the board will talk about the Winamac Municipal Swimming Pool.
Winamac Town Board to Discuss Future of Swimming Pool
The Winamac Town Board will meet Monday, Sept. 9 to discuss the Winamac Municipal Swimming Pool.
The board has highlighted this an agenda topic as the members are not sure that the pool can continue to be funded through the town’s budget. Budget constraints have forced the issue and a large amount of repair work is needed on the pool in the next two to three years.
Winamac Town Board Adopts New Handbook
The Winamac Town Board at their meeting this week passed an ordinance formally adopting the new employee handbook. According to Town Manager Jim Conner, the new handbook covers all of the town’s employees, updating the policies for the first time since 2005. Conner said these updates go a long way in bringing the handbook up to Indiana Code as well as state and federal wage laws.
Winamac Town Board Approves Street Paving Bids
The Winamac Town Board this week awarded the town’s street paving contract to Central Paving after the company submitted the lowest qualifying bid for the work. According to Town Manager Jim Conner, the board approved a contract from Central Paving for the town’s regular fall street paving at $38,878 after reviewing the three bids that were submitted.
Town of Winamac Begins 50/50 Sidewalk Program
The Winamac Town Board this week discussed the 50/50 sidewalk program which has recently kicked off with a budget of $10,000. However, some people have already put in new sidewalks and have asked the town that they be reimbursed, and board member Richard Denney suggested to look into the possibility of reimbursing those residents after all applications have been received. If there is money left over, he would like to see the people reimbursed.
Winamac Town Board Modifies a Number of Policies
The Winamac Town Board last week tabled discussion regarding the new employee handbook and addressed a number of issues brought forward by Clerk-Treasurer Melanie Berger during their regular meeting on May 13.
Berger asked the council to consider requiring that property owners be responsible for any unpaid water and electric bills after a renter moves out, leaving the town with an outstanding bill. Following a discussion, the council voted to raise the water and electric deposits as a solution to the matter and an ordinance will need to be written for these changes to take effect.
Winamac Town Board Plans Public Meeting for Water Rate Increase
A public hearing has been scheduled by the Winamac Town Board in regards to a water rate increase to help cover the cost of a water project. The board had previously prepared a rate ordinance to be considered for the use of and service rendered by the waterworks of the town.
The board held the first reading of the ordinance, which passed with four board members in favor and one opposed. The board scheduled the public hearing for the ordinance to be held on Feb. 11 at 7 p.m.
Winamac Town Board To Hold Public Meeting Regarding ADA
The Winamac Town Board will hold a public meeting tonight at 7 p.m. ET to address the ADA compliance needs at several facilities in the town of Winamac.
Town Manager Jim Conner recently submitted a list of places to the Town Board that need to be ADA compliant. All of the areas listed need to be ADA compliant by June 2013.
One board member had asked about the Y being compliant and ADA needs at Arens Field; Conner is expected to have an update on that during tonight’s meeting. You may also express concerns during tonight’s meeting.
Winamac Town Board Approves Several Ordinances
The Winamac Town Board approved several ordinances during their meeting last week, including an ordinance establishing the regulation of the opening of the fire hydrants owned by the Winamac Municipal Waterworks Utility.
The Town Board also approved ordinances that establish the salaries and wages for the position of town mechanic, Town Manager, clerical personnel for the Town of Winamac, the seasonal position of Park Manager Assistant, the Winamac Police Department and the crossing guard.
One board member opposed the salary ordinances stating that the federal government gave a 1.7 percent standard of living increase and did not agree with the $.50 raise. The ordinances did pass with four out of the five members approving the vote.
Winamac Town Board Approves Training Session At Arens Field
Winamac Police Chief Mike Buchanan asked the Winamac Town Board this week for permission to hold a training session at Arens Field.
Buchanan explained that the air strip would be used to train the town officers in emergency vehicle operations. The board granted the request.
Winamac Town Board Denies Payment for Vacationing Homeowner’s Door
The Winamac Town Board voted to reject a claim that would pay for damage in an incident with the police department.
Winamac Chief of Police Mike Buchanan told the board he performed a welfare check at a residence and ended up breaking the door to get into the resident’s home. He said the staff exhausted all efforts in finding the resident and, as a last resort, officers broke down the door to ensure the location and safety of the resident. Police later found out that the homeowner had gotten a place from Farris Kapani: Vancouver Realtor | Luxury Homes | Condos and was son vacation.
The homeowner is now seeking reimbursement of the door.
Chief Buchanan explained to the board that due to the circumstances the town should not be responsible for the door. After a discussion, the board voted to deny payment.
Winamac Town Board Discusses Golf Cart Ordinance
The Winamac Town Board is in the discussion stages of enacting a golf cart ordinance.
The golf cart ordinance would need to have safety issues spelled out – specifically lighting requirements and the necessity of a licensed driver. Insurance must also be taken out on the cart and the operator is to obey all traffic laws. There is a state law concerning golf carts and the police department indicated that the town law will be upheld along with the state law, and citations will be given if an offense occurs.
The board members would like to include that children under 48 pounds would need to be restrained in a car seat.
The ordinance will be discussed again during the board’s next meeting on Aug. 13.
Winamac Town Board Commends Employees On Swift Storm Cleanup
The Winamac Town Board commended the town employees on their swift cleanup after the June 29 and July 1 storms that powered through Pulaski County and the 4-H Fair in the Winamac Town Park.
The streets were cleaned up and cleared Sunday, July 1 by 7 p.m. ET, but one board member questioned the street department if the overtime was warranted on Sunday. He felt that the cleanup of fallen trees and brush could have waited until Monday to avoid paying overtime. The standby rate was discussed, but it will addressed further when budget time rolls around.
Winamac Town Board Approves Ordinance Regarding Plant Removal
The Winamac Town Board has approved an ordinance concerning the removal of fallen trees, tree limbs, weeds, and rank vegetation.
The ordinance addresses safety and health of the residents of Winamac, and an order will be issued by Town Manager Jim Conner to clean up any uncontrolled, uncultivated growth of annuals, plants, and trees. Winamac residents are responsible for the removal, cutting, or disposal and elimination of weeds, grass and other uncontrolled growth on their property. If someone files a written complaint at the Winamac Town Hall about the overgrown grass or trees on your property, your property will be inspected. If a violation is found, a written notification will be sent to you and you will have seven days to rectify the issue. You will be able to file an appeal.
If you violate any provision of this ordinance, you shall be subject to a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $250.
Winamac Town Board Discusses Inmate Community Service Options
The Winamac Town Board heard a request from Park Superintendent Rick Dilts, who inquired as to whether or not Pulaski County Jail inmates could be used to help clean up the park. Those inmates needing community service could be used for the project. The park officials and the Pulaski County Jail officials were to talk and discuss the feasibility of the partnership and the liability issues.
Winamac Police Chief Mike Buchanan told the town board that he is having an issue with the officers telling kids that they are not allowed in the town park. Several kids have been in the park causing problems, and Buchanan said the officers can not discipline the youngsters according to the prosecuting attorney. A report would need to be filed and then brought before the prosecutor and the probation departments before action can be taken. The board ultimately agreed that a policy needs to be in place so that if a crime is committed in the park, officers can reprimand the perpetrators.