Winamac Park Board Approves Bridge Inspection Agreement, Chooses Portable Toilet Supplier

The Winamac Park Board has approved an agreement for the inspection of the Town Park’s “swinging bridge.” Indianapolis engineering firm Butler, Fairman & Seufert will do the work for $6,500. That’s a bit more than it cost during the last inspection cycle. During Thursday’s meeting, board member and town manager Brad Zellers said the difference is that this inspection will include a check for lead paint.

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Winamac Park Board Prepares to Rebid Restroom Project, Following Funding Delays

The Winamac Park Board is almost ready to get construction bids for new restrooms in the Town Park, but town officials will have to work around some scheduling constraints. Last year, the park board was awarded a Land and Water Conservation Fund grant to help with the cost, but as of last week, the paperwork still hadn’t been finalized, according to Park Board Secretary Kim Burke.

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Winamac Park Board to Talk with Neighbors Before Allowing Changes to Veterans Memorial Park

The idea of expanding the green space in Veterans Memorial Park was again brought up during last week’s Winamac Park Board meeting. Fred Zahrt, who helped develop the park as part of the town’s tree committee, said replacing some of the gravel area with grass was part of their original plan.” The plan that I presented . . . included the whole property,” he explained, “and that included a tree or two back here and so forth.”

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Cost Estimate for Swinging Bridge Lighting Feature to Be Presented to Winamac Park Board

The Winamac Park Board may soon have a firmer cost estimate for a proposed lighting feature for the Town Park’s Swinging Bridge. “Apparently, someone was up with Mr. [Greg] Henry, came up and saw him and have made another appointment. But they did some measurements on the bridge, as far as the lighting,” Park Board President Courtney Poor told the rest of the board last week. “And so he hopes to have some of that information, hopefully, maybe for the January meeting, as far as just estimates from that company. I had requested they have it by the 15th of January, I think.”

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Contractors Interested in Bidding on Winamac Wastewater Project to Meet with Project Officials Today

Contractors interested in bidding on the Town of Winamac’s wastewater project will be meeting project officials today, according to Town Manager Brad Zellers.

He told Council members Monday night, “Contractors that are interested in bidding, and there are three this time, they’ll be here to go over any questions that they would have for the engineers and that type of thing just so they know how to throw their price at it.” Continue reading