Knox Community School Board Spotlights Wilson Reading System

The Knox Community School Board highlighted the efforts of the students in the Wilson Reading System and the program’s instructor, Kyle McCann.

He helps second, third and fourth grade students who struggle with reading and reading comprehension, sounds and word structure. The program helps students who have difficulty in reading fluency, spelling and students who have not shown growth in NWEA and ISTEP testing.

Kyle McCann and Sue Samack utilize the Wilson Reading System to assist students in groups of four to six and focus on sound cards, review concepts for reading, work on word cards, word list reading and sentence reading. They also do quick drills, review concepts of spelling and do written work.

It was estimated that the students who participate in the Wilson Reading Program show a 15-17 percent growth, but the students who have taken this program at the Knox Elementary School have shown an average growth of 38 percent. Nine students showed a gain of 41-50 percent and three students made a gain of 51-60 percent.

McCann noted that the students have shown incredible gains. Eleven of the 13 students required to take the IREAD test passed, while 25 out of 28 students improved on the NWEA reading test.

The board saw a video of a student reading who had struggled before but is now reading fluently. The board commended McCann, Samack, the elementary school teachers, Principal Glenn Barnes and Director of Curriculum and Instruction Peggy Shidaker for all of their hard work. They all thanked the board for their support of the program.