Knox Street Superintendent Jeff Borg reported to the Board of Public Works that they are active in eradicating mosquitoes but conditions have to be right to do so.
Borg explained that calm winds and clear nights are just right for spraying for mosquitoes. Regular spraying times have been hampered due to the weather this season, but crews are making efforts to rid the city of the pesky bugs. They are also applying larvicide to standing ponds, swamps and marsh areas as often as possible.
The county does not participate in mosquito eradication.
Borg also reported that the street paving projects have been completed and the employees are working on roadside mowing. There was no heavy storm damage in the recent storms to worry about, but Borg said brush pickup has increased at an alarming rate. They are happy the residents are utilizing the service to keep yards clear of unwanted brush.
Finally, Borg told the board of works that three sidewalks have been finished in the 50/50 sidewalk program and he is currently working on obtaining a grant for railroad signs.