Applications for the Energy Assistance Program can still be submitted for a one-time benefit on electric and heating bills. North Central Community Action Agencies, Pulaski County Human Services, and Community Services of Starke County began taking applications for LaPorte, Pulaski and Starke residents in November. Applications will continue to be accepted until all funds are obligated.
Eligibility guidelines do apply to any interested individuals. Assistance is limited to those households with a combined annual income at or below 150 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Applications are available at respective offices.
Income or zero income must be verified and documented for all members of the household ages 18 and above. Any members under the age of 18 who receive Social Security or Supplemental Security Income must also have their income documented and verified. If an 18-year-old is still in school, proof of enrollment is required.
Absolutely no applications will be accepted without the last 12 months proof of income, social security cards for all household members and a current month’s utility bill. The utility bills must be in the applicant’s name or a member within the household that is 18 years of age or older, or the landlord or Power of Attorney’s name. Renters must obtain a landlord affidavit form at the office and the landlord must complete it in its entirety.
Households can only receive assistance one time per heating season unless your home is heated by bulk fuel, such as propane or LP gas.
Call the community services office in your area to schedule a required intake appointment for energy assistance.