The West Central School Corporation is anticipating a $385,000 reduction in general fund revenues in the coming year. Superintendent Don Street says that’s due to several factors.
“Our enrollment is at currently 818 students. The complexity index that we have talked about before has changed with different laws with the state legislature, and many small, rural schools are being hurt by that complexity index change.”
Street says the budget cuts will require discipline and creative thinking.
“We have to be able to look at what we are currently spending and decide the necessity of it and the importance of it, and we all have to cut back a little bit in possibly energy consumption or just paper use. We have gone one-to-one and that has reduced our paper usage over awhile, but it doesn’t make up for the full amount.”
Street says the corporation is also taking advantage of bulk purchasing opportunities where they can in order to stretch their funds. He stresses there are not any plans to eliminate programs at this time.
“We have a lot of positive programs. We’re going to try to do everything we can to maintain those programs. We’re not anticipating the removal of any program in any of our buildings.”
Street says all of the corporations funds which are supported by local tax revenues are status quo.