Culver Community School Board Approves Cafeteria Prices

Prices for lunch will increase for all schools next year at the Culver Community School Corporation.

Food Services Director Carin Clifton said the lunch price variables were put into a calculator as part of the Indiana Department of Education paid equity requirements. It was determined this year that the price will go up another 10 cents. The statistic is based on students who are not on free and reduced lunch.

Next school year elementary students will pay $2.65 for lunch and middle and high school students will pay $2.75. The breakfast price will stay the same and the adult lunch price will not change.

Corporation Treasurer Casey Howard noted that the state not only uses the calculator to determine prices, but officials look at the standalone cafeteria fund. In essence, the cafeteria fund should show sustainability for three full months. The fund has not been able to do that for the past few years even with past increases. Clifton said they applied for a waiver but it was denied due to lack of fund sustainability.

Interim Superintendent Chuck Kitchell said the fund was “really, really healthy” a few years ago, but the state directed the school to spend some money out of that fund. Howard said the corporation is close to being able to have that fund sustain itself once again, but it’s not quite there yet.