Knox Water Department Superintendent Todd Gardner told the Knox Board of Public Works members last week that work on the Brown Circle water line project is getting closer to completion.
Last month crews worked to get 10 more homes off of the old gridded water line and put them on the new, larger lines. The old water service was disconnected last week. Homes on Adams and Fisher Streets are being tied in so the water line loop is full circle. Gardner said they tapped off the new line to back feeding the old system to keep the remaining 13 homes with service until they can be taken off the old service.
Gardner also told the board that more water meters were updated this month as some have failed. The company that furnishes the purchased meters updates the old meters for about a quarter of the cost of a new meter. Gardner said he saves a lot of money doing this as the city has a prorated warranty that extends 20 years. The meters being serviced are over 10 years old.