Town of Culver Awarded Grant Funds

Culver Town Council President Ginny Bess Munroe announced Tuesday night that the town is the recipient of $270,000 in Regional Cities grant funds.

The council plans to use that grant money toward solving a lack of housing for potential residents of Culver. The plan is to build the Sandhill Farms workforce development housing facility on Jefferson Street. The building would include 24 apartments with one, two or three bedroom units. The town match toward the project will fund infrastructure to the proposed housing development which includes water and sewer lines and sidewalks.

The project would be funded by the town’s contribution of $400,000 with $200,000 from the Culver Redevelopment Commission and the Regional Cities grant worth $270,000. The rest of the $200,000 of the approximate $1 million total project cost would be supplemented with possible grant funding.

In May, the town council approved financing $300,000 of the town’s share of the project with a local bank. The other $100,000 would come out of the General Fund. The town’s financing repayment would be around $5,661 a month for five years.