Knox Board of Works members approved a recommendation from Police Chief Harold Smith during a special meeting Monday morning.
Chief Smith’s recommendation pertained to hiring Seth Johnson as a patrolman for the police department. He explained that out the 30 applications that were issued, 9 were returned. Out of the 9 that came back, the list was narrowed down to 4 finalists. However, none of the final 4 passed background checks.
Since none of the applicants were suitable, Chief Smith suggested adding former Starke County Sheriff’s Department officer Seth Johnson to the force. He stated that Johnson has already been through the police academy. Mayor Dennis Estok stated that since he’s already been through the academy, it will save the city of money.
Smith said he would just need to update 120 hours of in-service training. He said the Law Enforcement Academy will send the specific areas which need to be updated. He added that he is able to be hired on full-time and will have 6 months to complete the needed training.
Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston added that Johnson will need to pass the necessary requirements set forth by the Public Employee Retirement Fund (PERF) prior to being hired on a full-time employee. Chief Smith asked if they could hire him and just have his start date be dependent upon when he is accepted into PERF. Houston confirmed that would be an acceptable route to take.
All members unanimously approved Chief Smith’s recommendation to hire Johnson.
Mayor Estok mentioned that, as with all new law enforcement hires, Johnson will be on a probationary period for a specified amount of time. After that’s up, his performance will be up for review from his superiors and Board of Public Works members.