The owner of 6 N. Pearl Street in Knox appeared before the Knox Board of Public Works members on Wednesday morning to bring them up to speed on renovation efforts at the home.
Lucia Valladares provided the board with a set of revised plans as some unforeseen work had to be completed in the top story. She said the plans will be approved by the architect and the contractor when they meet in the next few days and work will resume.
The construction permit for this property expires on May 22. Board member Steve Dodge made a motion to review possible action on a permit extension at their next meeting on Wednesday, May 23, depending on the progress shown on the structure.
In addition, Knox Planning Administrator and Director of Building and Code Compliance Kenny Pfost informed the board members that Pete Milev was unable to attend Wednesday’s meeting due to another obligation. The board members required his presence at the meeting to provide an update on progress at 1 and 3 N. Main Street which Pfost said doesn’t amount to much. The windows and framing have been fixed and updated; however, the obligation to meet certain timelines for repairs has not been met. Pfost noted that the outdoor sign is still affixed to the building and none of the masonry repairs are done.
The board members voted to execute the process in assessing a $2,500 fine as a result of Milev’s disregard to the repair timeline agreed upon by both parties in 2017. The board members told Pfost to alert Milev of his mandatory presence at the board’s next meeting.