Knox Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston provided a summary about Starke County businesses who are currently receiving tax abatements when city council members met Tuesday night.
Houston explained, “The total of our tax abatements, not just for the city but for the entire county, is [about] $4.1 million and you’ll see that you have personal property and real property.”
Of that total county amount, about $1.1 million worth of personal property abatements and $2,930,530 worth of real property abatements were granted in the City of Knox.
Councilman Bill Gustafson asked about the difference between personal property abatements and real property abatements. Mayor Dennis Estok provided some clarifying information.
Estok said, “Real is the property and the building, I believe, and personal is the equipment.”
He added that companies do have the ability to apply for both. Traffic Control Specialist on Pacific Avenue is an example of a business that was granted both a personal and real property tax abatement.
The information that Houston shared was also listed in the paper as a legal notice. He said that it is an annual requirement for officials to publish a listing of all of the real and personal property abatement deductions that were granted in the various Economic Revitalization Areas in the county.
The list contains