N.J.-S.P. School Board Transfers $600,000 from Education to Operations Fund

The North Judson-San Pierre School Board is taking steps to close out the budget year. Board members passed a resolution Tuesday to transfer $600,000 from the Education Fund to the Operations Fund. Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin said that will bring the total amount transferred this year up to the maximum $1.4 million board members had previously agreed to allow.

The Education Fund is mainly used to cover teacher salaries and gets its money from the state. The Operations Fund covers most other expenses with funding from property taxes. But the Education Fund leaves out several items that used to be funded with state money under the old funding system, essentially requiring school corporations to move some of it to Operations.

In other business Tuesday, the school board authorized the corporation treasurer to pay any outstanding claims and transfer appropriations within particular funds, to close out the 2019 budget. Board members also passed a resolution saying that any interest the school corporation earns in 2020 will go into the Operations Fund.