Culver Town Council Awaits East Shore Corporation Contract

The Culver Town Council members will wait until their next meeting to act on a proposed contract between the town and the East Shore Corporation for a sewer contract in anticipation of an initiation of a Conservancy District.

A special meeting was scheduled for Thursday, but Town Attorney Jim Clevenger said he hadn’t seen a contract as of last night’s meeting so it may be best to meet with the subcommittee prior to the Feb. 11 meeting to finalize the details before it is presented to the town council for adoption.  It also gives the council members a chance to read through the entire contract prior to taking action. 

Corporation officials are looking to hook a Conservancy District to the town’s Wastewater Treatment Facility system to treat the waste from the estimated 100 homes in the area.  A wetland disbursement system utilized by those residents failed last year. 

A current contract allows waste to be hauled to the town for treatment.  To date, about $146,000 has been paid to the Town of Culver for a pump-and-haul contract.  It is the hope of the members to get the sewer system up and running in May, which begins the tourism season in Culver, so there aren’t additional expenses for pump-and-haul services through the summer.