With the recent vacancy in the Asset Manager position at the Starke County Highway Department, those duties will be absorbed with the reorganization of the office staff.
Highway Superintendent Rik Ritzler told the Starke County Council and Commissioners Monday night that the Asset Manager’s duties will be part of the job description and duties of the Office Manager. A new position of Office Clerk would be created with this transition.
The Office Manager, Mary Perren, would also be the Stellar project coordinator.
The Starke County Commissioners were asked to approve the job title change of Asset Manager to Office Clerk which was done so with a unanimous vote. The job description for the Office Manager will be considered in a future meeting.
The Starke County Council considered the salary ordinance amendment request to include an increase in pay for the Office Manager and a change to the Office Clerk’s pay. It was proposed that the Office Manager rate would be in line with the Sheriff’s Office Manager rate, and the new Office Clerk position would decrease to be at the county-wide clerk’s rate. According to Ritzler, an increase in the Office Manager’s pay would be in line with the increase of duties of the Asset Manager and the Stellar project coordinator.
The salary change would amount to $810 in savings in salary payout.
The council members approved the salary ordinance amendment with a unanimous vote.