Starke County residents have a chance to weigh in potential park improvements. Constellation of Starke says it’s decided to use $330,000 of the money it got for being a finalist region in last year’s Stellar Communities Designation Program on parks.
Residents will have the chance to give input on how to spend it during two public engagement meetings. Consultants from the Troyer Group will also be available to answer questions.
Constellation of Starke lost out on the actual Stellar designation to Marshall County Crossroads. It would have made the region eligible for millions of dollars in state and federal grants. The group plans to apply again this year, and the upcoming meetings will be a chance for residents to learn how they can get involved.
The first engagement meeting will be held Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. in Starke County Annex Building No. 1, followed by the Starke County Park Board meeting at 6:00. The second meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 14 at 5:00 p.m.