The Oregon-Davis School Corporation will continue to hold three eLearning days per week through the end of April. School officials released their extended eLearning schedule Friday.
Students are on spring break March 23 through 27. After that, eLearning days are planned for each Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from March 31 through April 30. On each eLearning day, teachers will be available online from 9:00 a.m. to noon CDT.
Meanwhile, Oregon-Davis will offer sack lunches for pickup each weekday from March 30 through May 1. Lunches will be distributed from 11:00 a.m. to noon CDT at the Hamlet Fire Station, the Koontz Lake Fire Station, and door number four of the junior/senior high school.
All of O-D’s extracurricular activities, including games, practices, and performances, are canceled through May 1. School officials say they haven’t made any decision yet on prom or commencement.