Starke County EMS Conducts Training Sessions

Starke County EMS Director Travis Clary told the commissioners last week that he’s conducted several training sessions with county firefighters.

A Stop the Bleed course was conducted with firefighters from the Koontz Lake and San Pierre Fire Departments as well as Washington Township Fire Department.  He said training with Hamlet Fire Department on Stop the Bleed will be held soon.

Clary has been conducting regular training sessions with the Washington Township Fire Department.

“They want us to go out there the last Monday of the month when they hold trainings.  We just recently went over allergic reactions with them.  They’re switching to a lower-cost Epi.  We trained them on the Epi-safe syringes versus the Epi pens.  They’re crazy expensive,” commented Clary. 

He continued, “Anytime we do any type of big BLS skills, which is usually once a year, I’ll usually get a hold of fire departments and let them know we’re doing those especially for their EMTs/First Responders.”

In addition, CPR classes were also conducted with 30 staff members at the Starke County Justice Center and the Pediatric Advanced Life Support course was given on Monday where hospital staff members were encouraged to attend.