Members of the public will have another chance to weigh in on the $10 million North Judson-San Pierre Elementary School renovation project tonight. The school board will hold a public hearing related to the lease-rental process.
That’s where the ownership of the property is transferred to a legally-separate building corporation and leased back by the school, with the rent covering the cost of the bond payment. Since there’s already a building corporation set up for that purpose, the financing will be done as an amendment to the existing lease agreement.
In other business tonight, the N.J.-S.P. School Board will consider lunch price adjustments and textbook fees. Board members will also be asked to ratify a fund transfer from the Education Fund to the Operations Fund.
A number of plans that were presented to the board back in February will be up for final approval tonight. They include the strategic and accountability plan, technology plan, wellness plan, and bullying prevention and intervention plan. A new phone contract will be up for the school board’s approval, as well.
Tonight’s North Judson-San Pierre School Board meeting starts at 5:30 p.m. in the high school cafeteria.