Mural on Culver-Union Township Fire House to Begin Monday

Inspiration photos provided by the Culver -Union Township Public Library

The painting of a Culver history-themed mural will begin today on the eastern exterior wall of the Culver-Union Township Fire Department.

Indiana muralists Mike Graves and Dan Thompson will continue to work through the week, depending on the weather. 

According to Culver Visitor Center officials, this project offers the chance to show a sampling of Culver’s history while creating a unique public art experience.  They say research shows that murals “help engage citizens, increase foot traffic and tourism, increase appreciation for the arts and artist, and increase overall attractiveness of the space.”

The project is possible through grant funding from the Marshall County Community Foundation and the Culver Redevelopment Commission.  Develop Culver representatives have spent approximately six months working with the Indiana Arts Commission, Bridge Collective, the Culver-Union Township Fire Department, specifically Terry Wakefield, and Jeff Kenney to organize and plan the mural installation, according to a press release on the matter.