North Judson Moving Ahead with Application for COVID-19 Relief for Businesses

North Judson is moving ahead with efforts to get COVID-19 relief for small businesses. The town council passed a resolution last week allowing officials to apply for $250,000 from the state’s COVID-19 Response Program. That money would then be used to provide grants to local businesses, according to Clerk-Treasurer Andrew Rowe.

He says the town has also decided to contribute $50,000 out of its Revolving Loan Fund as a local match, which will add points to the town’s application. That money is available since the former Heartland Market finished paying off its loan last month, even though the store has been closed for some time.

Rowe says the town is collecting letters of support from local businesses to be included in the application. It’s due to the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs by this Friday. Pulaski County is also applying, while Knox recently completed a similar program with an earlier round of grant funding.