Winamac Council to Discuss 2021 Budget, Consider Almost $250,000 in Additional Appropriations

The Winamac Town Council will get an update on the town’s financial outlook for 2021, while also considering additional appropriations of close to $250,000, during a series of meetings tonight. Eric Walsh with accounting firm Baker Tilly has been monitoring the potential impact of COVID-19 on funding availability for next year’s budget. Clerk-Treasurer Melanie Berger recently told council members that Walsh may discuss the possibility of an excess levy appeal, as well as the impact of the income tax changes recently approved by the Pulaski County Council.

The Winamac Town Council will also consider about $246,000 in additional appropriations. Much of that money appears to be coming from grants and donations that weren’t listed in the 2020 budget. That includes permission to spend almost $190,000 in Community Crossings money for street projects and almost $6,100 in fireworks donations. Town officials are also requesting permission to spend another $50,000 in Economic Development Income Tax revenues.

Council members will also consider an ordinance related to COVID-19 and an update to this year’s salary ordinance.

Tonight’s Winamac Town Council meetings start at 6:00 EDT in the Winamac Municipal Utilities Complex with a public hearing on the additional appropriations, followed by council members’ budget discussion with Eric Walsh. After that, they’ll hold a closed executive session, followed by another public meeting to vote on the proposed ordinances.