North Judson businesses are thanking the town for helping them survive during the COVID-19 pandemic. Earlier this fall, the town was able to award a total of $220,000 in grants to 30 businesses, with money from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs’ COVID-19 Response Program, as well as the town’s revolving loan fund.
Thank-you cards from two of them were read during Monday’s town council meeting by Council President John Rowe. “Both of these were not expecting what they got, and they were very, very happy to get it,” Rowe said.
Pioneer Florist said the grant will allow the business to continue into the new year. “I had to put in a new furnace a month ago, and this money is a godsend,” the card said.
Meanwhile, the owner of Main Street Floral said she was “grateful beyond words.” “I am beyond thankful to own a business in this beautiful little town,” her card said. “I will continue to work hard and do what I can for our town. I am beyond blessed to be surrounded by such amazing people.”
Clerk-Treasurer Andrew Rowe said all of the COVID-19 grants have been disbursed. He added that North Judson is also getting just over $55,000 in CARES Act funding to reimburse the town for public safety payroll costs.