Tonn & Blank Recommended to Oversee Pulaski County Courthouse, Justice Center Projects

The Pulaski County Courthouse renovation and Justice Center expansion continue to move closer to the construction phase. The committees set up to review proposals from potential construction managers have recommended Tonn & Blank Construction to oversee both projects.

Committee Member John Masterson particularly liked the fact that the company promised to return all savings to the county. “I was impressed with what they said, the enthusiasm,” Masterson said. “Granted, not everybody in this world has a lot of experience in anything but everybody has to get a shot, and I believe that they can handle both projects without an issue.”

The committee recommended Tonn & Blank over Berglund Construction and Larson-Danielson Construction. The county commissioners are expected to make a final decision next Monday. The county is using the construction manager as constructor process. Among other things, that allowed the county to put together a list of requirements, rather than simply accepting the lowest responsive bid.

But before the projects begin, Pulaski County Maintenance Director Mia Salyers asked for direction about some ongoing issues with the Justice Center roof. She told the county council and commissioners that she continues to get complaints about leaks. While it remains under warranty, she said she can’t get a hold of the company, and no local contractors want to touch it.

But Council Member Rudy DeSabatine said he knows a guy. “You know, the courthouse leaked like a sieve, buckets all over everywhere. I got a private contractor for $2,500. Does it leak anymore? Doesn’t leak a drop. Fixed it for $2,500,” DeSabatine said.

The commissioners agreed to let Salyers hire the contractor for a cost not to exceed $5,000, until more extensive roof repairs can be done as part of the Justice Center project.