Grant Stipulations Raise Concerns for Norwayne Field Restroom Project

Conditions for the Norwayne Field restroom project’s grant funding could end up costing North Judson more money. The project is being funded, in part, with funding Constellation of Starke got for being a finalist in Indiana’s 2019 Stellar Communities program.

Clerk-Treasurer Andrew Rowe told the town council Monday that the town had planned to save money by having its own utility crews do as much of the work as possible. But now, the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs has stipulated that everything has to be included in the bid and scope of the project. Rowe noted that the town has to tap the lines anyway, so now it becomes a question of how much of the connection it’s allowed to make.

He added that any cost overruns are the town’s responsibility, and the more of the work the town can do, the less of a worry that becomes. He said discussions continue with Constellation of Starke’s consultants and OCRA officials.

Bids for the restroom project are due in early May, and Rowe hopes to schedule the installation to avoid interfering with the Mint Festival.