Knox Council to Hold Blight Clearance Hearing, Make Arrangements for American Rescue Plan Funds

The Knox City Council will take some preliminary steps tonight to spend the latest round of federal COVID-19 relief. Council members will discuss measures to create a separate fund for the $740,000 the city expects to get from the American Rescue Plan Act and proceed with working on a plan for how to spend it.

The city council will also take public comments on a blight clearance project and discuss an appointment to the board of zoning appeals.

An ordinance will be presented to move regular council meetings an hour earlier. Council President Jeff Berg raised the idea during the last council meeting, after the city’s plan commission made a similar change a week earlier. “In like manner, I am introducing a Knox Council agenda amendment proposal for the sequential purpose for the City of Knox Council members to align and now likewise select to move the City of Knox Council meetings start time from 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., hereof,” Berg announced.

No one voiced any opposition to the idea, but Mayor Dennis Estok wanted to follow the proper procedure, before the change takes effect.

Tonight’s Knox City Council meeting starts at 7:00 at Knox City Hall.