Winamac Police are cracking down on golf cart violations and unruly kids in the Town Park. Town Marshal Tyler Campbell says increased patrols have led to more juveniles ejected from the park for fighting and swearing.
“If the kids aren’t listening to us, we try to tell them that they need to calm down,” Campbell told the town council Monday. “If they want to start yelling and cussing at the officers, I tell the officers to kick them out of the park for the day, and if the parents don’t like it, they can come speak with me. So far, I’ve had a couple of parental groups who’ve come and spoken with me, and when I explain it to them and I explain that if they want a review of the body cam footage of their children’s behavior, it just kind of drops everything from there.”
When it comes to golf cart violations, Campbell said he’s trying to start with warnings rather than going straight to tickets. But Council President Tom Murray said there are still some dangerous situations. “There’s kids driving them!” Murray said. “I saw one here this last week that had a little bitty kid on the deck on the back. The dad was driving. The kid was in the back there bouncing around. The kid couldn’t have weighed 20 pounds!”
Campbell stressed that officers are told to stop any golf cart that’s violating the town’s ordinance.