The Knox Community School Board approved action last week to advertise the 2023 budget.
Superintendent Dr. William Reichhart noted that the school is requesting about $1 million more in this year’s budget than last year’s budget.
Dr. Reichhart explained, “We requested $12,893,500 for our Education Fund. That is money that the State gives us per every student that is enrolled in grades K-12 in our corporation. We have an Operations request of $4,991,775. Those are monies we receive property taxes and different funds that are available to us locally to help support the operations of our schools.”
The Debt Service Fund was advertised at $2,354,695 and the Rainy Day Fund at $978,662. All funds total $21,218,632.
The public hearing on the proposed budget will be Monday, September 19 at 6:30 p.m. CT in the Board Room at #2 Redskin Trail in Knox.
Beyond that, Dr. Reichhart said the State has increased the amount the corporation will be getting for each student enrolled at Knox Community School Corporation.
“We appreciate that effort from our state legislature,” said Dr. Reichhart.
The official Average Daily Membership (ADM) student count day is today (Friday, September 16).