The Culver Town Council members considered a request from Culver Community School Superintendent Karen Shuman for access to post community items on the electronic sign that sits at the corner of State Road 10 and School Street.
Every community in Marshall County received an LED message board a couple of years ago, purchased with COVID-19 funds received by the Marshall County Crossroads Regional Stellar Initiative to improve communications with local residents and visitors to Marshall County. All signs display emergency and community information from all towns on each of the signs in the county.
The Town of Culver developed a policy concerning the regulation of information on the signs which should meet the approval of the Clerk-Treasurer’s Office, or the town council in certain circumstances.
Superintendent Shuman was given a copy of the policy. The council did unanimously give Shuman permission access to post school-related information on the sign per the town’s policy.
In other news, the council unanimously approved a resolution concerning Hoosier Start which allows town employees to sign up for investment retirement opportunity of which the contribution would come out of an employee’s paycheck, and authorized Clerk-Treasurer Karen Heim to sign documents with TrustINdiana.
Also, the Length of Service Awards Program retirement documents for the Culver-Union Township firefighters are ready, and the council approved a motion to allow Fire Chief Terry Wakefield to sign documents as he will structure the program which will include the determination of qualifying members.