Pulaski County Clerk JoLynn Behny presented several requests to the Pulaski County Commissioners last week for consideration.
She first presented a contract with DeGroot Technology for work on the elections in 2024. She explained that no matter which company the commissioners contract for IT services in the county, the Election Board will contract with DeGroot Technology which is best familiar with all technology involved and attends training sessions for the election process.
The contract will be for $3,500 for the Primary Election and $3,500 for the General Election. The commissioners approved the contract with a unanimous vote.
Behny also asked the commissioners for permission to hold early voting at the Pulaski County Highway Garage for both the Primary Election and the General Election. Since the Pulaski County Courthouse is closed for renovations and the current temporary location of the clerk’s office does not meet the requirements of an early voting location, she requested that the Pulaski County Highway Garage be used for early voting. It is ADA accessible and has plenty of parking and interior space for election security for voters. Behny said she spoke with Highway Superintendent Gary Kruger and he had no issues with the request. The commissioners unanimously approved a motion to approve the request. Early voting begins April 9.
Finally, Behny explained that the Cass Township Trustee resigned July 2023 and there were no letters of interest to fill that position when the notice was advertised. A candidate has now stepped forward to fill that position. Because the 30-day window to fill the position by the Pulaski County Republican Party is closed, it is now a Pulaski County Commissioner appointment. Pam Bolen was at the meeting last week and told the commissioners that she is a life-long resident of Cass Township and was interested in the Trustee seat. The commissioners unanimously approved the appointment. She will complete the term that was left vacant which expires at the end of 2026. The seat will be on the 2026 election ballot. Behny swore Bolen into office following the meeting Tuesday, January 16.