The Culver Community School Board members discussed the 2024-2025 school calendar at length during their meeting Monday, February 5.
The board wanted to survey the teachers and parents about the calendar and wanted to compromise as much as possible to ensure all sides were met. They received 165 responses. While the board likes to approve the calendar in advance so families can plan for summer vacation prior to the start of school or during scheduled breaks, they postponed the approval of the calendar from January in order to receive feedback.
The proposed time off for fall break, holiday break and spring break were agreeable to all and those surveyed wanted to start a little later in August, but be out of school at the end of May. The board members worked to ensure that 180 days of instruction as required by the Indiana Department of Education was included in the calendar plus all of the scenarios offered in the survey.
In the end, the board approved a calendar that has a teacher start day of August 13 and the first student day is August 14, 2024. Fall break will be October 14-18, with winter break from December 23 to January 3, spring break is March 24-28, school will be closed on Good Friday for the Easter observance, and the last student day is May 29, 2025. It is also listed on the school’s website at culver.k12.in.us.