Knox Schools to Release Early April 8

Students from the Knox Community School Corporation will be released early Monday, April 8 in anticipation of the solar eclipse, according to Superintendent Greg Mikulich.

“The Elementary students will be released at 12:20 p.m., the High School at 12:35 p.m. and the Middle School at 12:45 p.m. CT,” said Mikulich.

The board also heard reports including the Champion Moment.

“We had a champion moment from Mr. Barnes at the High School for Matthew Lowisz who got an academic recognition from the Indiana Association of School Principals. He also gave us a building update. We got an update from John Tow who is our buildings and grounds director.”

Mikulich said Tow does a great job in maintaining the grounds at the school.

Additionally, the school board is getting close to hiring an architect for the siding project at the high school for the north and south sides of the school. Similar work is being done on the other sides of the building.