Culver Economic Development Commission Approves Resolution

Don Fox, Jonathan Leist, Kevin Overmyer, Attorney James Clevenger at the conclusion of the initial meeting

The Culver Economic Development Commission met for the first time Monday night with Jonathan Leist voted as the president, Don Fox as vice president and Kevin Overmyer as secretary.

With the organization of the commission complete, Marshall County Economic Development Corporation Executive Director Jerry Chavez explained the purpose of residential tax abatement. If a developer is seeking residential tax abatement, a resolution must be approved by the Culver Economic Development Commission creating the site as an economic revitalization target area. It differs slightly from a commercial tax abatement.

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Fraudulent Calls Reported to Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department

If you get a phone call from a person claiming to be a St. Joseph County Deputy, it is a scam.

Several residents recently called the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department to report that a person claiming to be Deputy Shane Morris from the St. Joseph County Sheriff’s Department is threatening arrest warrants and demanding money. Police say these calls are fraudulent and to not follow the caller’s instructions.

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State Road 39 Closed for Bridge Work in Pulaski County

Crews from the Indiana Department of Transportation are closing State Road 39 between County Road 750 South and County Road 800 South in Pulaski County beginning today through the end of October.

Restoration of the bridge over the Harp Ditch will be conducted during that time.

INDOT officials say this $350,000 bridge restoration investment will be in the hands of JCI Bridge Group, Inc.

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Three Starke County Community Crossings Projects Awarded

Funding for three Starke County projects were approved by INDOT as part of the Community Crossings grant.

Starke County was awarded just under $571,000 which will be a reimbursement in state matching funds for work done on Bridge No. 50 on County Road 1150 E. over the Osborn Ditch about three miles south of State Road 10, and Bridge No. 47 on County Road 625 S. over Osborn Ditch, just over a half mile west of County Road 875 E.

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Newly Formed Culver Economic Development Commission to Meet Tonight

The Culver Economic Development Commission will meet tonight.

The three members, Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist, Marshall County Commissioner Kevin Overmyer and Don Fox, will organize and consider an ordinance for a residential tax abatement for the Sand Hill Farms workforce development housing project. The proposed format of the tax abatement will also be discussed.

The Culver Economic Development Commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. ET tonight at the Culver Town Hall.

La Porte Police, Bomb Squad Investigate Reported Explosive Device at Residence

Eric R. Weiler

La Porte Police and the Porter County Bomb Squad reportedly found an explosive device at a residence in the 700 block of F. St., in La Porte late Wednesday afternoon.

La Porte police detectives were able to secure a search warrant after police received information about a person in possession of explosive material at the home. Officers from the La Porte City Police Department and the La Porte County Emergency Response Team took Eric R. Weiler into custody without incident.

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High School Coach Arrested for Refusing to Leave Emergency Scene


An area high school basketball coach was arrested on misdemeanor charges Tuesday night.

According to the incident report filed by the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department, police stopped a car driven by a juvenile near the intersection of Monticello Street and Adams Street in Winamac around 9:41 p.m. ET. Police reportedly determined that the vehicle’s registration was expired. Officers called the towing company to tow the car from the scene.

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Starke County Receives Railroad Crossing Marking and Signs Grant


The state recently awarded Starke County a grant to update railroad crossings and signs.

Highway Superintendent Rik Ritzler told the Starke County Commissioners Monday that there are no matching funds for this grant.

“The good news is $36,000 is 100 percent paid for. We don’t have to pay anything. We do have to keep the records. Even better news is that TCS (Traffic Control Specialists) can do it cheaper than we can. They have a painting machine and it keeps the money in Starke County. It keeps the tax money in the county and all of their workers live in Starke County. It’s a good thing,” said Ritzler.

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Starke County Council Approves Three Percent Employee Raise

The Starke County Council Monday night approved a three percent increase for county employees. The council members discussed what sort of impact that will have on the budget and found it would be about a $78,000 increase. They felt that was feasible, but they hope that the state won’t cut too much out of the budget.

The public hearing for the 2018 budget for Starke County will be held on Oct. 2. The budget adoption is scheduled for Oct. 18. Budgets must be approved by Nov. 1.

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Starke County Council and Commissioners to Meet Tonight


The Starke County Council will meet tonight with a full agenda.

The council members plan to adopt the North Judson-San Pierre 2018 budget and discuss a Rainy Day resolution request. A building corporation bond issue will be before the council along with discussions concerning transfer requests and additional appropriation requests by the IT Department, county highway, and Drug and Tobacco Free Starke County.

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