Starke County Historical Society Gets Grant Funding to Update Inventory

The Starke County Historical Society hopes to be better able to keep track of its artifacts, thanks to a grant from the Indiana Historical Society. The organization says it’s gotten a Heritage Support Grant for more than $4,300. That money will be used to update its catalog and create a detailed inventory of its donated objects and photographs.

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Pulaski Commissioners to Hold Hearing on COVID-19 Response Grant Application Today

Pulaski County Commissioners: Mike McClure, Jerry Locke, Kenny Becker

Pulaski County residents have a chance to weigh in on a proposed small business relief program during this morning’s county commissioners meeting. A public hearing will be held on the county’s application for $250,000 from the state’s COVID-19 Response Program. If approved, that money would then be used to provide grants to Pulaski County businesses, similar to a program that recently took place in the City of Knox.

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UPDATE: Knox High School to Hold Single Graduation Ceremony After All

Knox High School’s graduation plans have changed yet again. In a Facebook post Friday, the school announced that it’s gotten approval to hold a single ceremony at 7:00 p.m. Saturday at Community Field. It had previously planned to split graduation into three groups. Additionally, each graduate may now bring six guests, instead of four.

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