Starke County Chamber Director Ready to Promote Knox Downtown Improvements

Debbie Mix

Candice Bernier from the Indiana Association of Cities and Towns made a presentation to the Knox City Council last week concerning the downtown area. She talked about creating a five year plan for the downtown portion of the city.

One person who was excited with the presentation, and looks forward to assisting in getting the project off the ground, is Debbie Mix, the Executive Director of the Greater Starke County Chamber of Commerce. Bernier talked about involving every segment of the population in the decision making for improving the downtown. Mix said she looks forward to bringing the business segment into the planning process.

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Turkey Tracks Event Scheduled for April 2012

Eric Corey

With deer hunting season going on, we are thinking ahead to the Fourth Annual Turkey Tracks event that is scheduled for April 2012.

This event, organized by the Doug Corey family, is for disabled hunters and has grown three fold over the past three years.

Eric Corey talked what the event is all about.

“People with disabilities, handicaps and different diseases can get out in the outdoors and hunt for a weekend,” said Corey. “They can get their minds off hospitals and doctor’s appointments and let them have a good time.”

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New Chairman Elected for Democratic District 2

Mike Schmuhl, Kenny Wallace and Zanzer Anderson

The votes from the 2nd District Democratic Precinct Committee are in: Mike Schmuhl, 28, has been chosen as the new Democratic Party Chair for the 2nd District.

“I think Mike’ll do a great job, and he’ll work with all ten counties in the district. One won’t be treated any differently than another; he’ll work for all of us and we got a good leader,” said Kenny Wallace, the Starke County Democrat Chairman.

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Congressman Donnelly Discusses Nation’s Economy

Joe Donnelly
Congressman Joe Donnelly

Congressman Joe Donnelly was recently asked what he’s been hearing about the economic front.

“On the economic front, we are waiting on the report from the Super Committee which we’re hoping will be able to help us reduce the deficit, while at the same time, allowing us to continue to grow our economy,” commented Donnelly. “We saw that the jobless report shows the lowest number of jobless claims in seven months so it’s a step-by-step process, but we’re hoping that our economy gets stronger.”

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Knox Community School Board Gets Update on Elementary Facility Study

Gary Dulin, Jerry Fletcher, Harold Welter, Mary Lynn Ritchie, Kirk Bennett, Nathan Marcum, Mike Yankauskas, Superintendent A.J. Gappa

Knox Community School Superintendent A.J. Gappa gave the School Board members a report from the recent Parent/Teacher conferences at the Elementary School.

“We gave an Elementary facility study update to the Board just to keep them updated on what’s going on, especially at the Palmer Wing,” said Superintendent Gappa. “During our recent Parent/Teacher Conference days in mid-October, the administrators from the Elementary School, along with some other staff members, opened up the Palmer Wing to any parents who came through at Parent/Teacher Conferences and wanted to see the state of the building. As we move forward and try to decide what we want to do with that buildling, we think the process is to sell the need and let parents actually see what shape the building is in and the part we’re talking about is almost 60 years old.”

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Jennifer Wallace Arrested on Theft Charges

Jennifer A. Wallace

Jennifer A. Wallace was recently arrested by police from the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department on charges of Theft.

According to court documents, an investigation showed that Wallace allegedly stole tanning product inventory and cash from Ladybug Laundry and Tan in Winamac. She allegedly took cash from the moneychanger. She was an employee at the time of her arrest.

Pulaski County Prosecutor Stacey Mrak and the State of Indiana has filed two counts of Theft as a Class D Felony against Wallace. She has since bonded out of the Pulaski County Jail.

SCILL Center Students to Conduct Winter Car Checks

SCILL Center

The SCILL Center is offering free winter car checks in exchange for a donation to the Community Services of Starke County Food Pantry.

On Monday, November 21st, from 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. CT, the SCILL Center students will conduct a pre-winter inspection of your car or truck. Your car’s anti-freeze will be checked, along with the battery, belts, windshield wipers, lights, and tires. For every car that comes in, First Farmers Bank and Trust will make a cash donation to the food pantry. Your donation of a food item will ensure a check of your car by the students. You will also receive discount coupons from area auto supply stores for any replacement parts needed.

Retired Cell Phones Still Activate 9-1-1 Calls

Dispatchers from the Starke County Sheriff’s Department want to remind you that even if you retire a cell phone and cancel service, often times that phone can still call out to 9-1-1 centers.

Some parents give their retired cell phone to children to play with but if that phone still has a functioning battery and that child “pretends” to call 9-1-1, chances are that phone call will ring into the Sheriff’s Department. The Sheriff’s Department often receives these types of 9-1-1 calls and dispatchers can hear children and other people talking on the other end of the phone, but the caller is often not aware that they have actually dialed an emergency center. Dispatchers can not call the person back to determine if there is a real emergency because the phone has been disconnected from service and the number is not registered.

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Starke County Historical Society’s Annual Meeting Scheduled for Thursday

Susan Ruth Brown

The Starke County Historical Society’s annual meeting is this Thursday, November 17th at the Knox High School Cafeteria.

The carry-in meal begins at 6:00 p.m. You bring a covered dish, and the Historical Society will furnish the meat, beverage, cups, silverware and plates. A short business meeting will be held at 6:50 p.m. with the election of officers and various reports.

The entertainment for the evening will be from Susan Ruth Brown. Susan will bring back many songs from the era of the Civil War. As multi-instrumentalist and songstress, Susan often performs on fretted dulcimer, guitar, zither, autoharp, piano, penny whistle, recorder and various rhythm instruments. She is known for expressive vocals; from Celtic tunes to hard-hitting country songs.

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Veteran’s Day Service Held at Knox Schools

Harvey Hatfield, Dan Siakowski and Tim Shepherd, members of the Knox VFW Post #748 participated in the presentation of the colors at the Veteran's Day programs

Veteran’s Day programs were held in communities and schools throughout the Kankakee Valley area today. At Knox, Travis Flora, a United States Marine veteran spoke to the assembled students at the high school and middle school using the theme, “Freedom Isn’t Free.” Following the presentation, Flora told what Veteran’s Day means to him.

“Veteran’s Day is a time where we pause and reflect and thank those millions of people who have come before us and those millions of people who are currently serving and defending our way of life,” said Flora. “I would like those students to realize that within every veteran there’s a story and that they should ask those veterans their story. They may not hear what they want to hear but in the end, if they listen, they’ll have a better understanding of what a veteran is. When you see that sign outside of the VFW that reads ‘Freedom is not Free’, they should realize that our freedom has been bought and paid for by people who have signed their name on the dotted line and sacrificed.”

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Insurance for Starke County Employees to go up Next Year

Starke County Commissioners: Kathy Norem, Dan Bridegroom and Jennifer Davis

Miguel Salazar, from First Source Insurance, appeared before the Starke County Commissioners this week to bring them up-to-date on health insurance costs for 2012. Even though premiums are going up, Salazar pointed out how employees can reduce their co-pay by accumulating wellness points.

Salazar pointed out the importance for the employees maximizing their total points to reduce their premium.

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Knox City Council Votes Against a Raise for Council Members

Knox City Council #2
Back Row: Mayor Rick Chambers, Ed Blue, Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston, Greg Matt and Attorney David Matsey. Front Row: Linda Berndt, Jeff Berg and Ron Parker

In a surprise move, the Knox City Council voted against giving themselves a raise in 2012. Councilwoman Linda Berndt said, “We’re not in this for the money, and I think we have to draw the line somewhere!”

Berndt went on to say that the hours devoted to the job and the sleepless nights she agonized over votes would never be enough if salary was the sole consideration. The council members make $3,500.00 a year for serving on the board. The raise would have added $70.00 a year to their salary.

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IACT Representative Addresses Knox City Council

This is the one of locations downtown that needs to be addressed in the downtown plan. This is at the corner of Lake and Main Streets

What’s ahead for downtown Knox? That was the question Candice Bernier, representing both the Indiana Association of Cities and Towns, and Indiana Downtown, attempted to answer at the Knox City Council meeting Wednesday night.

Bernier told the building owners, city officials, and other interested persons who attended the meeting that a five year game plan is needed to correct the deficiencies in the downtown.

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Congressman Joe Donnelly Talks about his Focus on Veterans on this Veteran’s Day

Joe Donnelly
Congressman Joe Donnelly

Congressman Joe Donnelly works with Veterans Affairs and on this Veteran’s Day, he tells us what his focus is for our Veterans.

“My focus has been on trying to make sure in the District that we’ve been having sufficient Veteran oriented activities throughout the week,” said Donnelly. “When you look at it, our Veterans are the ones who gave us our freedom, who gave us our country and we’re extraordinarily indebted to them.”

Students Honored for Spotlight on Success Achievement Surprised by Guest at Knox School Board Meeting

Tim Watts

The Knox Community School Board had a special Spotlight on Success agenda item this week. The students in Mrs. Kleinfehn’s high school class have been corresponding with Tim Watts, a 2004 graduate of Knox High School, and a member of the National Guard. He has a special email account so the students can email him and those letters are monitored by Mrs. Kleinfehn.

The students appeared before the School Board Monday night for the Spotlight on Success presentation and Superintendent A.J. Gappa said they got a surprise.

“It just so happens, Tim was home on leave this week so he was able to show up in person at the board meeting and the kids didn’t know he was coming,” said Gappa. “The Board thought that it was really special for a graduate of Knox High School to come back and take the time, especially when he’s got limited time left before he goes overseas, to talk to these kids and show some samples of emails they’ve already sent.”

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Parade to Honor Veterans Scheduled for Today

A parade to honor armed forces veterans has been organized for Knox today. Terry Turner, one of the organizers tells us about it.

“They’re going to line up at 12:45 p.m. and there are a few more entries this year,” said Turner. “Hensler’s is coming with an antique car for Trees for Troops. We are going to honor the three men that died in Iraq Sergeant Joseph Ford, Corporal Nathaniel Baughman and Specialist Michael Weissman.”

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Henry F. Schricker Award Nominations Accepted until December 15th

The Starke County Chamber of Commerce is now accepting nominations for the Henry F. Schricker Award.

You may nominate individuals who have displayed Henry Schricker’s attitude of “service before self”. Submit a resume of the applicant, along with a cover letter, that outlines the qualities and deeds of the candidate which includes significant voluntary contributions and benefits to Starke County.

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IU Health Starke Hospital Contract Could Endanger County Ambulance Service

IU Health Starke Hospital officials met yesterday with county officials to discuss a potential problem that could scuttle plans for upgraded EMS services in the county.

The potential problem is the hospital’s plan to contract with an outside ambulance service to provide transfers from here to other medical facilities for advanced care. As hospital CEO Linda Satkoski said, “We many times need ALS-equipped vehicles with paramedics to make those runs.” The problem is that any private company wants all transfers, advanced and basic.

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