Starke County Council Discusses New Job Title for Jail Employee

The Starke County Council members will be revising the salary ordinance to allow for a Starke County Sheriff’s Office employee helping out with case work.

Newly-appointed County Council President Brad Hazelton read aloud from a letter that an employee who had worked with the county for several years was hired as a part-time jailer at $14.00 an hour, which is higher than the $12.51 rate of pay, because of his many years of experience.

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North Judson Town Marshal Proposes K9 Vehicle Purchase

North Judson Town Marshall Kelly Fisher presented town council members with a few different options for police vehicles when they met Monday night.

Fisher told them that she’s been seeking a vehicle that can be utilized by Officer Rico Simpson once the K9 is obtained from Vohne Liche Kennels.

She explained that $10,000 is currently set aside for the purchase of a code enforcement vehicle. However, she presented members with a proposal to utilize that money for a K9 vehicle instead.

Fisher said, “If we can hand Rico’s car down to the ordinance officer and then maybe if we could use that $10,000 plus maybe another 5 out of our donations to buy him an SUV.” Continue reading

Capital Projects Update Provided at North Judson-San Pierre School Board Meeting

Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin provided the North Judson-San Pierre School members with a capital projects update when they met Tuesday night.

Dr. Zupin informed members that the emergency renovations to the pool are officially complete and it is fully operational. The pool area will now have renovations done to the dehumidification system as a part of the capital projects. Continue reading

Starke County Commissioners and Council Discuss Hiring Two Full-Time Paramedics

Starke County may soon have two more paramedics on staff.

EMS Director Travis Clary and Clerk Mary Lynn Ritchie discussed the need for two full-time paramedics with both the Starke County Council and Starke County Commission members Tuesday night. They explained that it is difficult to find part-time paramedics to work for the county and it’s even harder to get part-time people to work shifts when a full-time paramedic is not able to work a shift. Clary said he’s been picking up extra shifts to fill the void.

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Oregon-Davis School Board Gets Update on School Improvement Plans, Quarterly Assessments

The Oregon-Davis School Corporation is taking steps to better track students’ progress. Superintendent Dr. Don Harman says it’s part of the latest round of school improvement plans. “We’re using quarterly assessments to measure our students,” he says, “instead of just a one-year assessment, for example, with ISTEP.”

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North Judson-San Pierre School Board Approves Memorandum of Understanding with WorkOne

The North Judson-San Pierre school board approved a memorandum of understanding between the NJ-SP School Corporation and the Northwest Indiana Workforce Board when they met Tuesday night.

According to information provided by Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin, the Northwest Indiana Workforce Board, or WorkOne, oversees the Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) program in Indiana High Schools. The agreement between the school and the organization is in line with complying with recent changes to graduation requirements. Continue reading

North Judson Clerk-Treasurer Addresses Un-Cashed Checks

At the North Judson Town Council meeting Monday night, Clerk-Treasurer Andrew Rowe alerted members that there are several un-cashed checks on the books that go back several years.

Rowe mentioned that on all checks dispersed by the town, it states that they can be receipted back if they haven’t deposited after 2-years. Clerk-Treasurer Rowe said after speaking to the State Board of Accounts about the matter, the plan is to receipt all checks back into the town.

However, there was one check for Fire Captain Eric Wappel from 2015 that was apparently lost. Rowe was seeking to reimburse Wappel for the fire pay he never deposited. Continue reading

Pulaski County Council Considers Request for Pay Raises for Sheriff’s Department Staff

Pulaski County Sheriff Jeff Richwine is seeking pay raises for some of his employees. During last week’s county council meeting, he asked if part-time dispatcher Susan Hemphill could be bumped up to a higher pay level. “She was a full-time dispatcher, left, and then came back as a part-time person,” Richwine explained. Continue reading

Round Lake Cemetery Flag Issue Resolved


The issue concerning the removal of flags on veteran’s graves at the Round Lake Cemetery has been resolved.

Mark Gourley, acting as American Legion District Vice Commander, told the Starke County Commissioners last week that he sat in during the Round Lake Cemetery Association meeting on Monday, Jan. 8 and the action of placing and removing American flags on veteran’s graves at Round Lake Cemetery will now be handled by the Knox American Legion Post #131.

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