North Judson Council Introduces Proposed Water and Sewer Rate Ordinances

North Judson Council President Wendy Hoppe; Police Officer Frank Thomas; Council Members Josh Brown, John Rowe, Jane Ellen Felchuk, James Young; Town Attorney Justin Schramm, Clerk-Treasurer Alicia Collins

North Judson water and sewer customers will soon have the chance to weigh in on proposed rate hikes. Updated water and sewer rate ordinances were introduced on first reading during last week’s town council meeting. The council’s next step will be to hold a public hearing, before making a final decision. Continue reading

Culver Community School Board Discusses Summer School Schedule

The Culver Community School Board discussed the summer school schedule to accommodate those students who will be taking courses.

Elementary Principal Erin Proskey explained that sixth graders will participate in summer school from June 5 to June 16 from 8 a.m. to noon each day. One week will be Math remediation and the other half will be for English/Language Arts. IREAD 3 remediation will be from June 5 to June 9 from 8 a.m. to noon with the test on the last day of summer school.

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Starke County Coroner Eyes Cost Savings

Starke County Coroner Dannie Hoffer is looking for ways to save the county money and make his office more efficient. He told the county commissioners Monday his colleague in LaPorte County has an agreement with the hospital there to do a quick blood analysis on suspected overdose victims. He says if drugs are found in the bloodstream, a full autopsy is not needed to determine the cause of death. Continue reading

State Health Officials Offer Tick Disease Prevention Tips

Hoosiers are urged to protect themselves against ticks when taking part in outdoor activities. The small, insect-like creatures are found in grassy, wooded areas throughout the state. Ticks tend to be most active during the late spring and early summer.

State health officials warn they can transmit a variety of diseases, including Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Last year more than 200 cases of tick-borne illness were reported in Indiana. Continue reading

Donnelly Weighs in on Russia Investigation

U.S. Sen. Joe Donnelly, D-Indiana

Indiana Sen. Joe Donnelly is pleased with the Justice Department’s appointment of a special counsel to investigate alleged ties between President Trump’s campaign and the Russians. During an interview on WKVI’s “Grossman in the Morning” Thursday, Donnelly said it’s important to find out what the facts are. Continue reading

Starke County Highway Superintendent Elaborates on Road Funding

Starke County will be able to implement plans to pave 123 miles of local roads with asphalt over the next decade without raising taxes, according to Highway Superintendent Rik Ritzler. He presented options to the county council Monday. They include using money from the Local Roads and Streets and County Economic Development Income Tax (CEDIT) funds to draw down a maximum three-to-one funding match from the state. Continue reading