Starke County Commissioners Seek Board and Commission Members

starke-county-courthouseThe Starke County Commissioners are looking for local residents to fill seats on various boards and commissions in 2017. Qualifications vary by position and can include political affiliation, professional accreditation or residency. Party affiliation is determined by the most recent primary election in which the individual voted or letter of support provided by the party chairman. Continue reading

New 8th District Senator Sworn In

Sen.-elect Mike Bohacek takes his oath of office. Photo provided
Sen.-elect Mike Bohacek takes his oath of office.
Photo provided

A newly-elected state senator from Northwest Indiana recently took his oath of office. Republican Mike Bohacek of Michiana Shores replaces Democrat Jim Arnold of LaPorte, who did not run for reelection. Indiana’s 8th District includes portions of LaPorte, Starke and St. Joseph Counties. Continue reading

Sexting Public Service Campaign Honored by Indiana Broadcasters Association

2016-spectrum-awardWKVI’s collaborative effort with the Starke County Prosecutor’s Office to share a serious message recently received statewide recognition. The station was honored with its third Indiana Broadcasters Association Spectrum Award in as many years, this time in the Local Community Involvement category. The winning entry, entitled Sexting Campaign, drew some snickers from the audience when it was announced, but they quickly realized it’s no laughing matter when they heard the student-produced public service announcements. Continue reading

CMA Friesian Mounted Color Guard to Take Part in Chicago Thanksgiving Parade

culver_logoA storied horse troop from Culver Military Academy is once again taking part in a longstanding holiday tradition.

Culver Military Academy’s Friesian Mounted Color Guard will be riding in the McDonald’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in Chicago. This is the third time in the past four years the color guard has participated in the parade. It will be televised regionally, nationally, and streamed online by WGN. Continue reading