SCYC Hamlet Students Learn About Health Value of Vegetables

Cecilia Torres-Bowman and Rev. Kyle Wright and two students show the vegetables they grew in the garden

Remember when you were a kid and mom scolded you for not eating your vegetables? The Starke County Youth Club Hamlet site students have just completed a project that focused on the health effects of eating vegetables.

Last week, the students took visitors on a trip through their garden, showing off the healthy vegetables they had raised. There was everything from radishes to leafy greens in specially-built growing boxes.

The highlight of the program was the presentation of baskets full of fresh vegetables to the St. Mathew’s church and Community Services food pantries.

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From the WKVI Archives

It was the biggest graduating class yet from Knox High School. Twenty-six boys and girls received their diplomas on this date back in 1928 donning green and yellow. William Wheeler, one of the graduates, entertained with a violin solo.

Ever wonder the meaning of Maxinkuckee? One account is that it means moccasin, which refers to its shape. If anyone can confirm this, call (574) 772-6241.

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Fugitive Joshua Hunnicutt Surrenders at Starke County Jail

Joshua Hunnicutt

After almost five days on the run, Joshua Hunnicutt turned himself in to the Starke County Jail on yesterday afternoon. Hunnicutt had been on the run since he climbed a wall and razor-wire in the recreation area of the jail to escape on May 23. Hunnicutt told police he surrendered because he realized he would eventually be caught.

Hunnicutt reportedly told the police that he had made a very poor decision to escape, and said he does not even remember what took place prior to escaping.

He is currently being held in the Starke County Jail on his previous charge of possession of methamphetamine and a new charge of Escape as a Class C Felony with no bond set at this time.

Police say they will interview Hunnicutt and a report will be forwarded to the Starke County Prosecutor’s Office for review of any additional charges.

Starke County Jail Population Nears Boiling Point

Starke County Jail

Fifteen Starke County prisoners are being housed in the Pulaski County Jail after it was decided by county officials and Sheriff Oscar Cowen that the extreme overcrowding was just too dangerous to allow it to continue.

Commissioner Kathy Norem said yesterday that she feared the overcrowding might trigger an outbreak of violence against other prisoners or jail staff. The overcrowding puts extreme pressure on the staff, which may have contributed partially to the recent escape.

Recently, the population ran over 80 prisoners, and it’s hoped that the measure will keep the prison population at 62 or below.

The housing of prisoners in Pulaski County is being accomplished under a temporary agreement.

Starke County Council Approves Software For Auditor, Treasurer Offices

The Starke County Council recently voted to fund a request for new financial software for the auditor and treasurer’s offices. A representative of Low attended the council meeting with Interim Treasurer Kasey Clark.

It was explained that the new tax and auditing software would be beneficial to not only the auditor and treasurer, but office holders and department heads alike.

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Steering Committee Formed For Winamac Community Parkway Project

A steering committee has been formed to help with the Winamac Community Parkway concept recently approved by the town board.

The Winamac Community Parkway Project will consist of a 1.1-mile-long parkway and will provide an open space improvement opportunity, connecting the walking/biking Panhandle Pathway Trail via a downtown hub designed for relaxation and recreation for residents and visitors.

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Residents Have Right To Hearing Before Water Disconnect

Jeff Houston

Knox City Attorney David Matsey has made Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston aware that a more formalized process has to be used for water disconnect in the city. As it is now, residents can be up to two months behind on their water bill before a disconnect is performed.

According to a court case from Evansville, due process has to be followed before the disconnect. In other words, a resident would have the right to have a hearing before the disconnect occurs.

Matsey said the hearing could be held before the Board of Public Works to satisfy the court decision. A process will be created by the attorney and Houston on this matter.

Information about the case was sent to the city by the Indiana Association of Cities and Towns.

Harvest Days Committee To Meet June 5

The Knox Harvest Days Committee will be meeting on Tuesday, June 5. Michelle Bachtel said last week that plans seem to be on schedule and advertising and sponsorship funds are currently being collected. Further details on events and times will be discussed at on June 5 at 6:30 p.m.

The Harvest Days celebration is August 24 – 26, with many of the activities taking place in Wythogan Park.

Knox High School Teacher Wins Department of Education Essay Contest

Knox Community School Superintendent A.J. Gappa

The Department of Education issued a unique challenge to the teachers this spring. They presented a contest in which a staff member was asked to write a six-word essay about a colleague or about the school. Knox Community School Superintendent A.J. Gappa said one of the teachers at Knox was selected as a winner in the contest.

“Mary Kleinfehn, one of the teachers at the high school who is actually going to retire at the end of the year – she’s taught Special Ed here for many years – wrote her six-word essay about Curriculum Director Peggy Shidaker. She has worked with her for many years. Two weeks ago, the Department of Education picked six winners from around the state and Mrs. Kleinfehn’s essay was selected as the winner from the Northwest region of the state,” said Gappa.

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Environmental Collection Event Planned For June 15, 16

Several computers were taken to the Highway Garage during a previous Starke County Environment Day event

The Starke County Environmental Management District’s 2012 Environmental Collection Event is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, June 15 and 16 at the Starke County Highway Garage. Friday’s event will be from noon to 5 p.m. and Saturday’s event will be from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. CT. You must have an environmental coupon, which can be located in your 2012 Environmental Assessment Invoice. This is open to Starke County residents only.

A limit of five tires will be accepted, of which one may be a tractor tire. If you have more than five tires, there will be a charge of $2 for car tires, $4 for semi tires and $20 for farm tractor tires.

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Dick Pettinato Passes Away At Age Of 83

Dick Pettinato

His family, his church, his community – those were areas of importance to Dick Pettinato. Pettinato passed away last week at the age of 83 and a funeral mass will be held today at 10 a.m. at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church.

WKVI’s Ted Hayes remembered Pettinato’s association with Sears in a Ted Hayes Remembers program last year. Sears-Roebuck opened its doors in Knox in the mid ’40s and closed Dec. 31, 1981.

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SCILL Center Announces Students of the Month

Brian Fulghum
Raymond Singleton

The SCILL Center is pleased to announce the Student of the Month recipients for the month of April.

Raymond Singleton from Oregon-Davis High School and Brian Fulghum from Knox High School were the AM class recipients of the award. Thomas Carey from Knox High School and Lucas Borg from Culver Community High School were the PM class recipients of the award. Continue reading

Memorial Day Services Planned For Today Throughout Area

Today, Memorial Day, is a day to reflect and remember those who made the supreme sacrifice for our freedom.

Several Memorial Day services are planned for Monday, May 28. In Knox, a ceremony will be held at the Starke County Courthouse at 9 a.m. followed by a parade to Oak Hill Cemetery where there will be another short ceremony. There will also be a brief ceremony in memory of Indiana National Guard Spc. Robert Tauteris, Jr. of Hamlet.

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North Judson To Hold Two Public Hearings June 4

Doug Vessely
North Judson Town Marshal Doug Vessely

North Judson Town Marshall Doug Vessely presented an estimate to the North Judson Town Board this week for a new squad car. Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry says that no contracts have been signed, but Vessely wanted to give the board an idea on how much a new squad car would cost because of some repairs that are needed on a 2005 squad car. Henry says the board will likely have the squad car repaired for now, and may set aside money in their 2013 budget for a new squad car after Vessely returns with quotes from dealerships.

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Plymouth Man Arrested For Shoplifting

A Plymouth man was arrested after an alleged shoplifting incident at Walmart on Thursday.

Plymouth police received a theft complaint from Walmart and soon arrived to find 44-year-old Jeffery L. Birk. Police questioned him regarding the reported theft, and after searching the suspect, they found he was in possession of methamphetamine. He was taken to the Marshall County Sheriff’s Department on preliminary charges of Theft, Possession of Methamphetamine, and an active civil contempt warrant through Marshall County. He is scheduled to appear in Marshall County Superior Court 1 on June 19 for an initial hearing.

Starke Commissioners Agree To Trade Deal With Howard Coffin

The Starke County Commissioners this week agreed on language in a contract between Howard Coffin and the county. In the agreement, Coffin would provide services – such as providing equipment to rescue and haul overturned trucks belonging to the highway department – and in return, Coffin would receive the funds from the sale of scrap metal.

The contract would be for the remainder of the 2012 year and would then be reviewed. If the “trade” agreement is found to be out of balance, the county might hire Coffin outright for providing his equipment and selling the scrap itself.

In other business, the commissioners approved courthouse tours to take place during Harvest Days, and they have announced that they are looking for a person who lives in the two-mile jurisdiction of Knox to apply for the Knox City Planning Commission.

Graduation Services To Take Place Tomorrow Afternoon For Local Schools

Graduation services were held last night for Eastern Pulaski Seniors and another graduation service is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. West Central School Superintendent Charles Mellon reports the details of graduation services for seniors.

“That’ll be on Sunday, May 27,” said Mellon. “Baccalaureate is at 2 p.m. ET with Commencement to follow.”

Knox Community High School Commencement is Friday, June 1 at 7 p.m. in the Weinberg Gymnasium, and graduation at North Judson-San Pierre High School is slated for Sunday, June 3 at 7 p.m. in the high school gymnasium.

Mint Festival To Begin June 15

The North Judson Mint Festival is slated to begin its three-day run on Friday, June 15. The court has been crowned for the event, and this year’s queen is Alyshia Wireman. Elexuss Miller is the Mint Festival Princess, Caden Peretti is the Prince, Peyton Frazier was crowned Little Miss Mint and Jayce Stoll is Little Mister Mint.

Allen and Betty Chesak will served as this year’s Mint Fest Parade Co-Grand Marshals. Betty was involved with the festival since its inception and stepped down from responsibilities two years ago. Both are graduates of North Judson-San Pierre High School.

Plenty of activities will be held during this year’s festival. One highlight is the Mint Idol Contest on Friday, June 15 at 6 p.m. The deadline to enter this contest is June 10. Call (574) 249-3072 for more information. Entries for Father and Grandfather of the Year and the Mint Festival Parade are now being accepted. Mail entries to P.O. Box 33 in North Judson.