North Judson Town Board Discusses Industrial Park

North Judson Town Board

The North Judson Town Board heard a public presentation by Starke County Economic Development Foundation Representative Larry Wickert regarding the industrial park located on Oak Wood Street. Wickert explained that there has not been much activity in the way of looking for industry in the area, and he says that could be attributed to one primary issue.

Wickert says that from the beginning of the industrial park, there has always been a problem regarding street access because of a lack of direct access to State Roads 10 and 39. He also said that there may be an issue regarding water pressure, and told the board that he just wanted to touch base and find out whether or not the board had any suggestions or ideas to bring industry into the area.

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Ramp May Soon Be Installed Near Pulaski County EMA Garage

Pulaski County Commissioners Tracey Shorter, Kenneth Boswell, Michael Tiede

In an effort to make it easier on their vehicles, Pulaski County EMA Director Larry Hoover requested a ramp be installed in front of the museum garage in which they park their equipment.

County Maintenance Director Morry Demarco told the commissioners this week that Hoover approached him and asked about the possibility of installing the ramp, and Demarco said his department could handle the effort but would require permission from the commissioners to proceed. Demarco said a pipe would need to be installed beneath the ramp to allow water to flow through, but the installation of the ramp would allow vehicles to park in the garage without having to climb over an eight-inch curb.

Commissioner Mike Tiede asked if Demarco could use bridge planks instead of concrete to save money, and Demarco said he will check into it. He also said he will look into the possibility of dumping rock near the curb and coating it in asphalt as an easier solution.

Memorial Service To Be Held Commemorating Fallen Pulaski County Officers

Sheriff Michael Gayer

A memorial service to commemorate the lives of the three fallen officers in the line of duty while on staff at the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department will be held Tuesday, May 29th, at Noon ET in front of the Sheriff’s Department. Pulaski County Sheriff Michael Gayer says the memorial service is an annual event.

“Each year we get the whole department together, all 42 of us, and we stand in front of the Sheriff’s Office and I conduct a service and we have the traditional Taps and a 21-gun salute,” said Gayer. “We then have lunch for the members here at the Sheriff’s Department and the families of the slain officers.”

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John Glenn Student Attends Twelve Years With Perfect Attendance

Rafael Castro

For 12 years, John Glenn student Rafael Castro has been getting up every school morning and making his way to school – every day. In fact, he has not missed a day of school since he began attending kindergarten at St. Patrick’s School in the fall of 1999, although he admits it was his mom’s goal first.

It wasn’t until he got to high school that he made it a goal of his own, when he determined that he could accomplish it. When asked if he came to school sick at any time he agreed he had, but never to the point of not feeling well enough to do his work or participate. He believes attendance is important and feels fortunate to have good health. Rafael is hopeful that future employers will take note of his attendance record, and that it will give him an edge in landing a job someday.

He will be recognized at a school-wide award ceremony today in front of the entire student body.

Bella Vita Fundraiser Raises $22,000

Bella Vita

Last week’s Bella Vita Pregnancy Resource Center fundraiser was a huge success, according to Michelle Barnhart. She says $50,000 is needed each year to keep the center viable for support and information. During the fundraiser, Barnhart said $22,000 was raised in cash and pledges.

Barnhart along with the entire staff and volunteers would like to thank all who attended the event and made the evening such a success.

Memorial Day Marks Peak Of Driving Season

More Americans will be hitting the roads over Memorial Day, according to AAA. Between May 24 and May 28, 30.7 million people will drive 50 or more miles away from home. During the same time last year, 30.3 million people hit the road. This is the peak of the driving season in the United States.

Two-and-a-half million people will board flights.

The average price for regular gasoline last week nationwide was $3.73 a gallon, while last year during the Memorial Day weekend the average price was $3.96 a gallon.

Starke County Council Again Votes Down Amendment For Hospital Evaluation

The Starke County Council failed again this week to pass an amendment of the ordinance regarding the use of Save the Hospital Funds. The amendment would have authorized the use of up to $50,000 in Save the Hospital Funds to hire a consultant to evaluate the hospital’s value.

This information would be used in the possible sale of the hospital to IU Health La Porte or other interested buyers. IU Health La Porte has already made an offer.

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Pulaski County Bell Tower Worsens With Each Toll Of The Bell

Mortar has crumbled in the Pulaski County Courthouse bell and clock tower

Pulaski County Maintenance Director Morry Demarco told the commissioners this week that with each toll of the Pulaski County Courthouse bell, mortar crumbles from between the bricks, and he is anxious to get the bell tower fixed.

Demarco says that he’d like to get the bid awarded and have the tower fixed as soon as possible to prevent any further damage, but because of a large variance in the prices of the bids presented, the commissioners requested that he speak with the bidders to ensure they understand the scope of work.

The bid prices ranged from as low as $7000 to as high as $16,000, and Demarco said that he will speak to the bidders and have them break down their prices. He says it’s very important that the work be done right. Because of the age of the structure, the mortar must be replaced with a similar mix to prevent any damage to the delicate bricks.

Three Arrested In Marshall County Following Four-Month Investigation

Three suspects were arrested in Marshall County as a result of a four-month undercover narcotics investigation.

Around 6:30 p.m. on Monday, May 21, the Undercover Narcotics Investigation Team of Marshall County executed a search warrant at 15572 Cook Lake Trail. Multiple items associated with the manufacturing of methamphetamine were found in the residence.

Terry Kovacs, Jr., Christa Padilla, and Jenny Heeton were arrested as a result of the search on charges related to the manufacturing of methamphetamine. The team was assisted by the Marshall County Police, Bremen Police, Plymouth Police, and Indiana State Police.

Starke County Commissioners Praise Late Bill Schacht

Calling him a “great public servant,” the Starke County Commissioners praised the service given to the county by the late Bill Schacht this week. Schacht served for many years as a member of the county’s Drainage Board.

Commissioner Dan Bridegroom said, “He taught me more about drainage than anyone could have, and I appreciate everything he told me. He will be greatly missed.”

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Starke County PTABOA Appointments Announced

The Starke County PTABOA Appointments have been made. The PTABOA Board is made up of county citizens who review assessment appeals. They also assist Property Systems Corporation, the company that does the reassessment.

The board appointments are for one year, and the three board members are called as needed.

Reappointed as the representative of the county council was Ron Simoni. The commissioners also re-appointed Ed Hasnerl and Jody Czerniak

Knox Incoming Third Graders Receive Summer Packet

The Knox third grade teachers sent home a special packet with next year’s incoming third graders to help keep them reading during their summer break. Director of Curriculum and Instruction Peggy Shidaker explained that these packets contain fun activities for students.

“They sent home a little bag that says ‘I Read, Therefore I Succeed,’” explained Shidaker. “Every second grader, 153 of these students, last week carried home this bag and in this bag there was a letter to their parents explaining the entire program. Through the collaboration of our third grade teachers, they filled this bag with fun activities for our students to do in both reading and math.”

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West Central School Board Approves Reduction In Force

West Central School Superintendent Charles Mellon

The West Central School Board members did approve a reduction in force proposal at their recent meeting. Superintendent Charles Mellon said there was only one this year.

“That person is going on our recall list,” stated Mellon. “He is currently teaching science in the middle school, but he does have an elementary license so if we had a class size increase – which I hope we do – or someone else from the elementary leaves the school system for whatever reason, he has the opportunity to come back. He will be on the recall list for two years. There is still a possibility for him.”

Knox School Board Receives Facilities Study Update

Knox Community School Superintendent, A.J. Gappa

The Knox Community School Board members met Monday night where Superintendent A.J. Gappa gave the members a facilities study update.

“As far as the elementary school is concerned, we’re just moving forward,” stated Gappa. “I met with Dana Wanamaker, architect with Barton, Coe Vilamaa, just to give us some estimates on general figures as to what it might be for renovation versus building a new wing. We don’t have any figures on that yet. I anticipate meeting with Curt Pletcher from Umbaugh and Associates, the financial people, because we want to pin it down to be able to tell people, if we need to do something, how much it’s going to affect each individual person.”

Gappa also said the board has some high hopes for their welding program.

“We’re optimistic and moving forward with getting a welding program going, which would be located at the southwest corner of the middle school where the old wood shop used to be,” said Gappa. “I believe that will move forward even very soon. Probably within the next month, we will have work going on to convert that room.”

Former Knox Graduate To Become Director of Operations For Union North United

Former Knox High School graduate Chuck Phillips is proving to be a “jack of all trades” in the Union North United School District.

Phillips, the La Ville Jr./Sr. High School principal, recently took on the position of Director of Operations for the 2012-2013 school year. He will stay as principal until the end of the school year and then make the switch to the new position.

The Director of Operations will be a consolidation of Director of Maintenance and Director of Transportation.

NJSP Drama Department to Present Forever Plaid

Jacob Kieszkowski, Travis Hale, Steven Miller and Ben May performed a piece live Wednesday morning on K99.3

The North Judson-San Pierre Drama Department will take to the stage this weekend to present Forever Plaid.  The musical stars Travis Hale, Jacob Kishkowski, Steven Miller and Ben May and they presented a music tease live on K99.3 Wednesday morning with Director Donna Ness.   They sounded great and you can hear more this Thursday, Friday and Saturday, at 7:00 p.m. CT at the St. Peter Lutheran School.  Admission is $6.00 for adults and $5.00 for students.

Concerned Pulaski County Residents Voice Opposition to Irrigation Ordinance

Pulaski County Commissioners Tracey Shorter, Kenneth Boswell, Michael Tiede

More than 50 farmers and community members attended Monday’s meeting of the Pulaski County Commissioners to voice their opposition to a drafted ordinance preventing irrigation systems from spraying on the road.

The commissioners had the ordinance drafted after receiving a number of complaints from drivers who claimed to have been sprayed heavily by irrigation systems while traveling on motorcycles or in convertibles, and Commissioner Kenneth Boswell said they were being proactive with this ordinance to prevent high-pressure sprays from causing any traffic accidents.

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Eastern Pulaski Schools To Dismiss Early For The Summer

Dr. Robert Klitzman
Dr. Robert Klitzman

Students in the Eastern Pulaski School Corporation will be wrapping up classes this week. Superintendent Dr. Robert Klitzman said that the students were able to get out early this week due to the lack of school closures in the winter.

“One of the most unusual winters we’ve had,” said Dr. Klitzman. “I think most would agree with me that in terms of snow it’s been a great winter. Kenny Becker [Highway Superintendent] is excited about it. He probably has a lot of salt left. Nonetheless, we have no make-up days so our last day for students is Wednesday, May 23. It’ll be a full day of school; seniors are in school, everybody’s in school for a full day on the 23rd. Graduation for the Class of 2012 will be Friday, as that’s our tradition, at 7 p.m. ET in the high school gym. Because we’re getting out early, our summer school schedule will start the end of May.”

West Central Schools Prepare For Summer School

West Central School Superintendent Charles Mellon

Now that the regular school year at the West Central School Corporation is winding down, the staff is now gearing up for summer school. Summer school starts June 4, according to Superintendent Charles Mellon.

“We’ll have summer school June 4 through the 15,” stated Mellon. “It’s mainly for our IREAD people that have an opportunity to take the test again which will be taken on June 20.”

The School Board approved textbook fees for the 2012-2013 school year.

“The prices increased slightly because of the publisher’s cost. It really wasn’t a large year for textbook adoption because it’s mainly for vocational courses and fine arts,” said Mellon. “K-1 stayed exactly the same and there was just a minor increase for the other grade levels.”