Starke County Commissioners Discuss Bridge Repair

County bridge #156 over the Robbins Ditch

The Starke County Commissioners held a lengthy discussion with all involved in the bridge #156 reconstruction or rehabilitation. The bridge, located at 400 North and Range Road, has been closed for approximately a month.

“It is an inconvenience with Range Road being closed, not only just for the farmers but for businesses as well as the Highway Department, schools, EMS, mail carriers, and any other emergency vehicle, ” said Starke County Highway Superintendent, Steve Siddall. “We really want to try and open that back up as soon as possible. The biggest thing is the permits from the DNR. The permits could hold us up for at least six months and hopefully the DNR wouldn’t do that, but you never know.”

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Pulaski County Airport Expansion Could Save Lives, Says Resident

Pulaski County Commissioners Tracey Shorter, Kenneth Boswell, Michael Tiede

The Pulaski County Commissioners met yesterday evening and were approached by taxpayer Tim Hoffa regarding the airport expansion project. Hoffa explained to the board that there is one vital benefit to be gained from expanding the runway, and that is the ability to save lives.

Hoffa is currently in the process of being evaluated for a double-lung transplant, and one of the qualifications for such a procedure is a nearby airport with a runway of at least 5000 feet. Hoffa said he was ecstatic when he heard about the proposed expansion, because it shortened his trip to the airport in the event of a donor match. Hoffa explained that he would have a limited amount of time to get to the Fulton County airport, which is the closet airport that meets these requirements. He stressed that hundreds of lives could be saved with this expansion, and that the Commissioners should approve and expand the runway because saving lives is more important than any other potential issues with the project.

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Knox City, North Judson Police Department Statistics for April

police badge

Knox City Police Chief, Clint Norem, says the Department handled 396 calls in the month of April, investigated 6 accidents and filed 36 incident reports.

19 people were arrested on 24 traffic charges, 50 people were arrested on 66 criminal charges and 2 people were cited for 2 ordinance violations. There were 7 battery arrests, 10 warrant arrests and 11 drug arrests made in April.

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Environmental Collection Event in Starke County a Success

A semi load of tires, similar to this load from last year, was hauled from the Highway Garage Saturday afternoon

The 2011 Environmental event at the Starke County Highway Garage was a big success. A record number of vehicles passed through during the four day event that occurred Wednesday, April 27th through Saturday, April 30th.

750 vehicles came through where residents were able to dispose of their materials. 450 of those vehicles came through on Saturday. 1,500 gallons of oil was disposed of, 6 semi trailers of tires were hauled away, and several semi loads of appliances and computers were taken from the Highway Garage. Two semi loads of hazardous waste was collected.

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Starke United Awards Grant Money to Several Agencies

Starke United

Starke United recently awarded several agencies with money from donations. The Coalition Against Domestic Abuse, Community Services of Starke County, Drug and Tobacco Free of Starke County, Junior Achievement, Love INC, Starke County WIC, Starke County ABATE, Starke County CASA, The Caring Place, The Salvation Army Starke County Unit, and the Starke County Youth Club all received grant money of $3,500 or less.

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Rachael Franko’s Record Jump

On her second attempt, Rachael’s jump was measured at 17 feet 2 1/4 inches, breaking the old record of 16 feet 9 inches. On her final attempt, Rachael landed at 17 feet 5 inches, once again breaking the meet record, but also breaking her school record in the process.

Bryanne Cavender Wins TV Theme Trivia Contest!

Bryanne Cavender and Lenny Dessauer

Bryanne Cavender of Knox was this month’s lucky contest winner!  She won a computer from NWI Technologies for correctly guessing a TV Theme while playing with WKVI’s Lenny Dessauer in the afternoon.  Thank you to NWI Technologies for a fantastic prize to giveaway and thank you, Bryanne, for listening!

Listen for May’s contest, Movie Quotes, an a mini vacation package for one lucky winner!  The contest will begin May 9th.

Third Annual Turkey Tracks Event a Success

Anthony Peterson is successful in his hunt. His guide was Rick Story

The Third Annual Turkey Tracks event was held over the weekend in Starke County. Opening night was Friday, and the hunters, guides, and well wishers gathered at the Knox VFW for a dinner, fellowship and entertainment provided by country singer, Billy Wayne.

During the ceremony that followed the dinner, Bass Pro Shops in Portage and Clarksville gave special monetary and tracker gifts to the participants. The Clarksville representative gave each of the hunters their own monogrammed turkey callers, and Eric Corey was presented with a one-of-a-kind caller in engraved box. The Turkey Tracks organization also received a $1,000 check for the program.

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Lincoln Day Dinner held Saturday

The annual Lincoln Day Dinner was held Saturday night at the Bass Lake Community Center. With party leaders, state, national, and local candidates in attendance, the evening was proclaimed a success for the Grand Old Party (GOP).

Following the evening festivities, WKVI interviewed three Republicans of note, State Senator Ed Charbonneau, State Treasurer Richard Murdock, and candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives, Jackie Walorski.

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Street Paving Schedule Approved for City of Knox

The Knox City Council recently approved the street paving schedule for this summer.

“We do have some intersections that we’re going to take care of that are in really bad shape. We’re still able to pave up to a half of a mile of streets. We used to be able to pave one mile and now we’re down to a half of a mile with the same budget,” explained Street Superintendent, Jeff Borg.

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