Starke County Commissioners Asked to Classify County Road as Rural Major Collector

Charles Weaver
Charles Weaver

Starke County Development Foundation Director Charles Weaver appeared before the County Commissioners at it’s most recent meeting. He asked the Board to sign an application to be submitted to the Indiana Department of Transportation to classify County Road 300 East, between Culver Road South and State Road 8 on the North, as a rural major collector.

“This makes that parcel of road eligible for eighty percent federal financing on a highway project,” said Weaver.

The major collector will link the road that will be rebuilt to state standards to service not only the industry in that area but the residents and other users as well.

Knox City Council Discusses Synthetic Marijuana Ordinance

Knox City Council final #3The Knox City Council approved the second reading of an ordinance to prohibit the sale and possession of synthetic marijuana in the city limits.

Knox Mayor, Rick Chambers, told the Council that he had some questions for City Attorney, David Matsey, about the enforceability of this ordinance. Matsey was not present at the meeting but Mayor Chambers voiced his concerns to the Council members. Mayor Chambers questioned whether specific tests are available to test the product to ensure it contains the ingredients that classify it as synthetic marijuana. If there is a test available, who is authorized to conduct the test? Do Indiana State Police labs have equipment available to test the product? Jennie Carter from Drug and Tobacco Free Starke County informed the City Council that she will get answers for those questions and have them available by the next City Council meeting. The third and final reading of this ordinance is expected to be made at the Council’s December 14th meeting.

Donate to the Pulaski County United Fund during Winter Wonderland Event

Pulaski County United Fund

The Pulaski County United Fund, Inc. invites you to stop by their booth during the Winter Wonderland event in Winamac on Saturday, December 4th.

The United Fund booth will be located at the Pulaski County Human Services, Inc. building and will be open from Noon to 4:00 p.m. ET. Any contribution made to the United Fund during Winter Wonderland will be entered into a drawing to be held on December 13th. If you cannot attend Winter Wonderland and wish to contribute and be eligible for the drawing, drop off your contribution at either Alliance Bank offices in Winamac or Francesville between December 4th and December 11th. Several business have donated prizes for the drawing.

Give the gift of giving this holiday season.

Starke County Traffic Safety Partnership honored at Recent OPO Awards Banquet

Over the Limit, Under Arrest

The Starke County Traffic Safety Partnership was among several law enforcement agencies who were recently honored during the 16th Annual Operation Pull Over Awards Banquet in Carmel, Indiana.

The Starke County Traffic Safety Partnership received an award for Outstanding OPO Partnership. The organization also received a $2,500 Equipment Award to be used for the purchase of law enforcement equipment of their choice. The TSP members include the Knox City Police Department, North Judson Police Department, and the Starke County Sheriff’s Department.

Offender Attempts to Escape from the LaPorte County Jail

LaPorte County Sheriff's Department
LaPorte County Sheriff's Department

Anthony Ferris was quickly apprehended by a K9 unit after attempting to flee from the LaPorte County Security Complex, Wednesday.

Ferris was arrested Tuesday night on a charge of Domestic Battery, a Class D Felony, and a Probation Violation warrant out of Starke County. He had been physically combative and uncooperative the entire night Tuesday and had been placed in an isolation cell for his own safety and the safety of the jail staff. Wednesday morning, Ferris asked for permission to use bathroom facilities in the isolation cell and when he didn’t come back into camera view, it was discovered that Ferris had somehow opened a secure vent in the ceiling area and escaped his cell into the pipe chase area.

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Retailers are Hoping for Big Crowds on Black Friday

Shopping carts
Shopping carts are stacked and ready for shoppers on Black Friday

Retailers are hoping for big crowds this weekend. However, some experts say that significantly fewer people will participate in the post – Thanksgiving shopping frenzy.

Consumer Reports senior editor and resident shopping expert, Tod Marks, thinks that blockbuster sales are so common, especially this year, that they’ve become almost ho-hum. Traditionally, some of the best markdowns, especially on expensive TVs, toys and clothing, take place closer to Christmas.

Some people will avoid the lines and shop online. Some retailers will post their Black Friday sales Thanksgiving night and early Friday morning.

Make sure you make a list and spend within your budget. Without a list and not knowing your budget, you could easily spend more than you can afford.

How does Your Diet Survive Thanksgiving?

How does your diet survive a Thanksgiving meal?

Authorities on the subject say that Thanksgiving dinner is one meal that will not derail your weight loss goals, even less if you use this natural fat burners. What will derail them is a minor holiday indulgence as an excuse to binge until New Year’s. Shift your goal from weight loss to weight maintenance during the holidays. Stress is one of the main reasons people overeat during the holidays. There is a certain amount of stress when preparing a Thanksgiving meal, interacting with family members and travel.

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Thanksgiving is the Third Most Dangerous Holiday for Deaths in the United States

Thanksgiving is reportedly the third most dangerous holiday for deaths in the United States. Between 1998 and 2008, there was an average of 572 deaths annually on U.S. highways during the Thanksgiving holiday, making it the most deadly four-day holiday period on American roads. The 4th of July is the deadliest three-day holiday weekend.

The National Safety Commission blames speeding and tired and/or sleepy drivers for the high number of deaths around Thanksgiving.

What Type of Turkey Did You Purchase for Your Thanksgiving Dinner?

Whatever type of turkey you purchased for today’s feast, a turkey farmer’s number one priority is the safety and health of their flock, because a healthy turkey will ultimately be the best quality product for consumers.

organix turkeys
Organic turkeys

Did you notice the terms conventional, free range, organic, broad-breasted white and heritage when purchasing your turkey this year? Conventional turkeys are raised in scientifically designed, environmentally controlled barns that provide maximum protection from predators, disease and bad weather. These turkeys are typically sold fresh and frozen in supermarkets across the United States. Continue reading

Sarah Palin to Promote her New Book in Carmel, Indiana

Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin

If you would like to meet Sarah Palin, head to Carmel, Indiana, on Thursday, December 2nd where she will be promoting her book, “America By Heart”.   She will be at the Meijer store, 1424 W. Carmel Drive, from 6:00-9:00 p.m. ET.

The Carmel visit is the only one listed in Indiana. The announcement was made on her Facebook page and her blog.

Thanksgiving History

The first Thanksgiving
The first Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving, a day off from work, turkey and pumpkin pie, and football games.  That’s how many Americans think of this day. But we should probably remember the day for what it was, a celebration held by the Mayflower Pilgrims in 1621.  The Pilgrims had landed at Plymouth in November of 1620. A little over 100 persons boarded the Mayflower to sail to the new world, but only half survived the trip and the following winter.

We should remember names like William Bradford, Myles Standish, John Alden, and Priscilla Mullins. Those four were part of the group that founded the Plymouth Colony. And of course there’s the famous Indian Squanto who befriended the colonists, and taught them to plant, fish, and hunt in their new home. He also negotiated a peaceful relationship between the Pilgrims and the Indians.  Then there was Massasoit, who brought 90 Indians to the first feast.

Even though some of the facts of the first Thanksgiving are challenged, it still is a great holiday.  It’s a day to give thanks for all that is good, a day to give thanks that we live in such a wonderful country.

Unemployment Report Shows Improvement

The unemployment report is out for October.  Starke County went down in percentage, but went up in the state ranking.  Starke County went from 11.3% in September to an even 11% in October.  But the County moved from the ninth highest unemployment rate in the state to seventh in October.

Pulaski County and Porter County had the lowest rates in our area. Pulaski came in at 8.0% and Porter was 7.9%.  Marshall was an even 10.0%; La Porte 10.6%; Fulton 9.2%; St. Joseph 10.6% and Jasper was 8.5%.  Since the January report, Starke has dropped from 13.6% for the 11.0%; Pulaski dropped from 10.1% to 8.0% and Marshall dropped from 12.4% to 10.0%.

Rose Acre Farms Among Donors of Poultry for Hoosier Food Pantries

Rose Acre Farms is among the twelve Indiana State Poultry Association members who have donated 108,000 pounds of Indiana poultry products for Hoosier food pantries. A donation ceremony took place Monday at the Statehouse outside the Lt. Governor’s office. This event has gone on for 63 years. There are more than 253,000 households in Indiana who rely on food pantries to feed their families.  108,000 pounds of poultry will feed approximately 200,000 people.

Safely Stay Warm this Season

The Indiana State Fire Marshal’s Office, Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission and Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority encourage Hoosiers to pursue safe ways to stay warm this season.

Heating equipment was the second leading cause of home fires in the United States in 2008. More than 66,000 reported fires caused 480 civilian deaths, 1,660 civilian injuries and more than $1 billion in property damage.

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WKVI Food Drive Results are in; Pulaski County Food Pantry Report

WKVI Food Drive
Tom Berg, Lenny Dessauer and Jerry Curtis at WKVI/Five Star Food Drive

The totals are in from this past weekend’s food drive at the Knox Mall.  WKVI collected $2167.73, and 1,469 pounds of food. Added to that total of food is 1,125 pounds from Boy Scout Pak #281 in North Judson for a total of 2,594 pounds of food.  A big thank you again from Joan Haugh and everyone at Community Services of Starke County who received the money and food for their food pantry.

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Madrigal Dinner Tickets Available

NJ-SP Madrigal singers

The North Judson-San Pierre High School Choral Department has tickets available for this year’s Madrigal dinner on Friday and Saturday, December 3rd and 4th, at 7:00 p.m. CT and Sunday, December 5th, at 1:00 p.m. CT.  All performances will take place at the Grand Central Station restaurant in North Judson.

This is the 20th year for the Madrigal dinner.  For tickets, call Choir Director, Donna Ness, at (574) 896-2158 or (574) 896-5041.

Holiday Travel Expected to Increase

AAAHoliday traffic is expected to increase this year by about 11% from last year according to AAA.  The average distance travelers will go is 812 miles, and the median spending will be $495.00.  The price for gasoline has increased to an average of $2.89 a gallon which is the highest prices of the year as recorded by AAA.

Thanksgiving Recipe Ingredients from Marilyn Monroe

Phil Potempa
Phil Potempa

Leave it up to Phil Potempa of the Northwest Indiana Times to come up with the ingredients to a Thanksgiving recipe from the late blond bombshell Marilyn Monroe. The actress was known for a lot of things, but cooking was never one of them. But Phil has found the ingredients in a new book about Marilyn entitled “Fragments: Poems, Intimate Notes, and Letters.” The ingredients were found on page 180 of the book and included water soaked sourdough bread, chicken livers and hearts, ground beef, hard boiled eggs, raisins, grated parmesan cheese, nuts, herbs, onion, parsley and celery. Now those are the ingredients. The only problem is Phil didn’t tell us how much of everything to use.