Expanded tariffs on Chinese products are adding to the list of challenges facing a new plastics manufacturer near Winamac. IBC Thermoplastics plans to make jerrycans at the old Anvil & Saw property on County Road 200 South.
Continue readingExpanded tariffs on Chinese products are adding to the list of challenges facing a new plastics manufacturer near Winamac. IBC Thermoplastics plans to make jerrycans at the old Anvil & Saw property on County Road 200 South.
Continue readingDelays in the start-up of a plastics manufacturing business south of Winamac are being blamed on ongoing electrical issues. IBC Thermoplastics plans to manufacture jerrycans at the old Anvil & Saw property on County Road 200 South.
Continue readingThe manufacturer moving into the old Anvil & Saw property on Pulaski County Road 200 South has got a second financial incentive from the county this week.
The county council approved real and personal property tax abatements, related to IBC Thermoplastics.
Continue readingThe manufacturer moving into the old Anvil & Saw property on Pulaski County Road 200 South is on track to get a $200,000 loan from the county. The county commissioners conditionally approved a revolving loan request Monday from IBC Thermoplastics.
The Pulaski County Council is scheduled to adopt the county’s 2019 budget tonight, but a number of issues still have to be addressed. Assessor Holly VanDerAa has been calling for a tax increase to make up a shortfall in the county’s Reassessment budget. She says the change would reduce the need for various costs to be paid out of the county’s General Fund.
Plans are moving ahead for a light manufacturing business to move into the old Anvil & Saw property on Pulaski County Road 200 South. But Community Development Commission Executive Director Nathan Origer told the county council Monday that the business isn’t ready to formally request a tax abatement just yet.