Tree Removal, Replacement Continue in Winamac Town Park

Entrance to the Winamac Town Park

New trees have been planted in the Winamac Town Park, while old trees continue to be removed. Park Manager Dave DeLorenzo told the park board last week that 15 of the park’s 18 new trees have now been planted, thanks to Proscapes Unlimited, Dave Bennett, and Park Board Member Jon Chapman. The planting was originally scheduled to take place during a park cleanup day last month, but was delayed by flooding.

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Winamac Park Board Considers Replacing Dead Ash Trees

Entrance to the Winamac Town Park

After years of removing dying ash trees from the Winamac Town Park, park officials are now beginning to look into replacing them.

Park Manager Dave DeLorenzo brought the issue to the park board Thursday.

He estimated that 90 to 95 trees have been lost to the emerald ash borer, although there are some that remain. He asked the park board about working with the Tree Committee to gradually plant a variety of new trees over the next few years.

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Winamac Park Board Discusses Continued Tree Removal, Pay Raise for Secretary

Entrance to the Winamac Town Park

The removal of dying ash trees continues to be a concern for the Winamac Park Board, as it puts together its 2018 budget. Park Manager Dave DeLorenzo estimates about 75 ash trees remain at the town park. He told the park board Monday that about six of those will soon have to be cut down by a contractor. Many of those are in danger of falling on shelters.

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