Knox City Police Chief Gives Updates on Staffing, Jail Tour

Knox City Police Chief Clint Norem
Knox City Police Chief Clint Norem

The Knox City Police Department is working hard to cover shifts. One full-time officer is out on medical leave, and others have been out sick. Only two part-time officers are on the roster while a third is on medical leave, and it’s not known when that officer will return. Chief Clint Norem said other departments have offered to step up to assist the department.

Chief Norem also recently told the Board of Public Works that officer Eric Vanderhoff will be on his way to the police academy on March 9 and will be gone until July.

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Knox Water Superintendent Outlines Proposed Water Line Improvements


The City of Knox is looking to get a grant to fix water lines in areas of Knox that don’t get enough pressure.

Water Superintendent Todd Gardner told the Board of Public Works members that the project would include replacing outdated galvanized lines that go under homes. The project should also repair pressure issues to fire hydrants.

“We’ll add a section of line that actually goes down and around brown circle on Delamatyr and ties back in on Fisher and Adam. It would make a loop and add two fire hydrants down there where we don’t have any fire protection now. The other would be to extend down Mound to Myrtle Court and then back to Washington Street down to Allen Drive. We’re looking to cut across and tie in at the end of Lake Street,” explained Gardner.

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Knox Police Chief Notes Building Issues

Knox City Police Chief Clint Norem
Knox City Police Chief Clint Norem

Knox City Police Chief Clint Norem told the Board of Public Works members this week that some maintenance needs to be conducted at the building housing the police department.

Norem stated that fans are on in the garage to help evaporate the water from the floor in the garage. The drainage issue has been ongoing for some time, according to Norem. He hopes that the issues can be corrected in the spring.

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Knox Board of Public Works Approves Bid for Storm Water Project

Knox Mayor Rick Chambers

Knox Mayor Rick Chambers announced that the Knox Board of Public Works approved the lowest conforming bid for the upcoming storm water project.

“H & G Underground Services from Laporte, Indiana, their bid for $688,977 was the lowest bid and that was taken under advisement until that could be checked by Territorial Engineering and the City of Knox attorney,” said Chambers.

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