Culver Community School Corporation Superintendent Karen Shuman updated the school board on the ongoing construction projects at the Elementary School and the Middle/High School.
Continue readingCulver Community School Corporation Superintendent Karen Shuman updated the school board on the ongoing construction projects at the Elementary School and the Middle/High School.
Continue readingThe gym floor is installed at the Culver Middle/High School. Bleacher installation will begin today (April 24).
Continue readingThe Culver Community School Board members reviewed bids for mechanical and electrical components planned for this summer at the corporation.
Continue readingThe Culver Community School Board members made several additional approvals regarding the upcoming construction project when they met Monday night.
Continue readingPart of the construction project at the North Judson-San Pierre Elementary School is nearing the end.
Continue readingCommunity members visited the Knox Community School Corporation Sunday to tour the buildings to see new construction and updates at the three schools and the Administration Building, but construction work is still ongoing on campus.
Continue readingPlans are moving ahead for Knox High School’s new vocational wing. The school board last week agreed to hire Moake Park Architectural Group of Fort Wayne for a cost of $200,000, according to Superintendent Dr. William Reichhart.
Continue readingA $2.5 million addition will be constructed onto Knox High School beginning this fall that will better assist students who participate in Vocational/Career and Technical Education classes.
Continue readingConstruction kicked off yesterday on a ‘rain garden’ in front of the Knox Community Elementary School. Last year, Knox faculty members Jamie Shireman and Marge Wood received $11,000 dollars worth of grant money to bring an outdoor nature lab to the school. Continue reading
The Eastern Pulaski School Corporation continues work to complete a few additional upgrades to their facilities.
Following a bond issuance last year as part of Elementary School upgrades, the corporation found itself with $300-thousand to $400-thousand in contingency that could be used for some of the work.
The City of Knox 50/50 sidewalk replacement program is almost done. It allows property owners to split the cost of new sidewalks with the city. Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston says 10 residents participated in this year’s effort.
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The Pulaski County government has completed a contract with NIPSCO in preparation for construction work on the Reynolds-Topeka Transmission line.
A parking lot in the 200 block of South Main Street in Culver is seeing work progress.
The striping and paving on the parking lot have been completed, something that Town Manager Jonathan Leist said progressed nicely. At this point in the upgrades, however, Culver is responsible for lighting, fencing, signage, and screening in the parking lot.
Construction on the Reynolds-Topeka Transmission Line is getting underway and NIPSCO says they continue to expect operations to begin in 2018.
The project is a multi-county, multi-million dollar project designed to increase the effectiveness of utilities providers in Northern Indiana. NIPSCO isn’t alone, however, in their efforts. Similar projects are going on across the country in an attempt to meet federal renewable energy standards.
Eastern Pulaski School Corporation school wide construction is on target to finish on time. Even though the construction will go into the next school year, everything is on track to finish and should not continue after the planed end date. Continue reading
Pulaski County intends to hold-off funding a proposed courthouse renovation until some new perspective can be gained.
During a joint session of the County Commissioners and County Council, the project – which has been in the planning stages for the past three years – was discussed with the intent of providing more substantive direction.
Pulaski Memorial Hospital will be asking for further support from the County government in preparation for renovations to the hospital.
Today is the day work begins on a bridge on U.S. 30 just west of Hamlet.
A major construction project in Culver is officially behind schedule.
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Financing to help expand Pulaski Memorial Hospital is a go following Monday night’s Pulaski County Council meeting.
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