Hamlet Town Council Considers Possible Lighting Projects

More streetlights may soon be coming to Starke Street in Hamlet. Two years ago, the town installed decorative streetlights on the east side of the street, across from the town hall, as the first part of a four-phase project. But the town council has held off on doing additional phases to focus on other projects, such as the recent Community Crossings project farther north on Starke Street.

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Hamlet Council President Urges INDOT to Address Safety Concerns at U.S. 30 Construction Site


Hamlet officials are demanding answers from INDOT, after a U.S. 30 construction project has led to a spike in accidents. During Wednesday’s town council meeting, Council President Dave Kesvormas complained that the town wasn’t told about the work ahead of time. “Legally, technically, U.S. 30 goes through town because that parcel on the northeast side of 30 is our parcel, so 30 goes through,” he explained. “The state didn’t contact us, nor did the contractor, and yet, we’ve had all these series of accidents.”

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Potential Long-Term Care Facility, Other Development Opportunities Discussed by Hamlet Council

A long-term care facility may be looking to set up operations in Hamlet. “They’re checking with the state, a certificate of need with the State of Indiana, for a long-term care facility and an assisted living,” Town Council President Dave Kesvormas said during last week’s regular council meeting. “So I do know that.”

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Hamlet Council President Hopes Stellar Designation Would Help with Perception Issues

Hamlet Town Council President Dave Kesvormas hopes a Stellar Community designation for Starke County could help make the town more welcoming of future development. During last week’s council meeting, Kesvormas said he’s not 100-percent sold on the Stellar Communities Program, but he thinks it would help put certain things in a more favorable light.

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Hamlet Officials Respond to Water Main Break at Trailer Park

Hamlet’s utility staff battled a water main break at the trailer park Wednesday. Town Council President Dave Kesvormas gave an update during Wednesday’s meeting. “From what they understand, it’s between two trailers, underneath part of a trailer,” he explained. “So they’re going to basically go around it and take the bad stuff out and go from there.”

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Hamlet Council Looks to Add Electronic Message Board to Town Entrance

Hamlet officials are exploring the possibility of installing an electronic message board near the intersection of U.S. 30 and Starke Street. During last week’s town council meeting, Council President Dave Kesvormas said they had looked into it before, but the cost was as high as $20,000. Now, he says he’s found a much cheaper option. “I’m looking at a 102-inch-by-36-inch full-color LED programmable sign,” he said. “$2,900.”

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Hamlet Plans to Seek Community Crossings Grant for Railroad Street Improvements

As the Town of Hamlet works to wrap up one Community Crossings project, town officials are now looking ahead to this year’s grant cycle. Hamlet is eligible for a 75-25 matching grant for road projects. During Wednesday’s town council meeting, members said that Railroad Street is next in line for improvements, not only because of its condition, but also the amount of traffic it handles.

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