The Culver Planning Commission has scheduled a public hearing for Tuesday, April 19 at 6:30 p.m. ET concerning an application to rezone 415 Lakeshore Drive from a commercial (C-2) zone to a Planned Unit Development zone. The property is where the former City Tavern building used to stand.
The Culver Planning Commission and the Culver Town Council will hold public hearings next week on a request to rezone the former City Tavern property to a Planned Unit Development (PUD).
The Culver Town Council will hold public hearings on several zoning changes recently approved by the Culver Planning Commission.
Town Manager Jonathan Leist said the changes will be patterned after ordinances approved by Marshall County officials on the same issues. Continue reading →
The Culver Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, Jan. 21 at 6:30 p.m. ET to revise portions of the Culver Zoning Ordinance.
Among the items to be discussed include carports, sign regulations and Wind Energy Conversion Systems. Large commercial wind farms are not permitted in any district of Culver’s zoning jurisdiction. The Culver Plan Commission is vested with the authority to review, approve, and disapprove applications for Small Wind Systems, including a sketch, preliminary plans and final plans.
These are revisions that will be discussed for action at a future meeting of the Culver Plan Commission.
The public hearing will be held in the Culver Town Hall.