Lake Maxinkuckee Amphitheater Project Closer to Construction

The Lake Maxinkuckee Amphitheater project in Culver is nearing the construction phase.

Town Manager Jonathan Leist told the Culver Town Council members last week that $47,501 was transferred from the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority for this project. The town was able to get a $30,000 state grant along with additional online crowdfunding for the project. That money, along with the first half of the Marshall County Community Foundation grant, will allow the council to move forward with the construction phase.

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Culver Town Council Discusses Crosswalks

The Culver Town Council will be looking at an ordinance that reviews the enforcement of the brick-paved crosswalks in town.

There are several crosswalks on Lake Shore Drive and on Main Street that are designated by a brick walkway. Residents are concerned about confusion between drivers and pedestrians as to which party has the right-of-way and if they are a legal crosswalk.

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Culver Town Council Receives Stellar Update

Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist updated the Culver Town Council this week on work being done toward being designated a stellar community with the Stellar Communities Designation Program.

Leist said he and Utility Superintendent Bob Porter met with Marshall County Highway Supervisor Jason Peters to review details for the walking/biking trail. The Marshall County Commissioners agreed to pave one mile of the walking/biking trail as an in-kind contribution for this project within the town’s Stellar plan.

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Culver Town Council Holds Public Hearing on Additional Appropriation

The Culver Town Council held a public hearing Tuesday night to hear comments on the appropriation of funds for a new ambulance.

Clerk-Treasurer Karen Heim explained that the new ambulance is arriving soon but the money wasn’t earmarked in the budget for the replacement of an older truck. Heim said the older ambulance was overdue for replacement. It will be sold with the proceeds to be split between the town and Union Township.

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Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight

The Culver Town Council will meet tonight where discussions will continue surrounding the Stellar Communities Designation Program.

A public hearing is scheduled to gather comments on several additional appropriations. An ordinance to approve those additional appropriations will be discussed on first reading. Town Manager Jonathan Leist will have a report along with other department heads. Representatives from various boards and commissions will provide updates for the town council.

The Culver Town Council will meet tonight at 6:30 p.m. ET at the Culver Town Hall.

Culver-Union Township Fire Department Searching for Firefighters

Culver-Union Township Fire Chief Terry Wakefield told the Culver Town Council this week that he is searching for yet another firefighter. He received another resignation this month.

This is the third time he’s notified the council of the need for firefighters. His first plea to accept applications came in March when his department was down to 18 firefighters. There are only 15 on the roster at this time. He said previously that the department used to see around 23 to 25 firefighters on staff. Continue reading

Culver Town Officials to Strictly Enforce Smoking Ban at Culver Beach


The Culver Town Council members addressed the issue of smoking at the Culver Town Park and beach when they met Tuesday night.

Park Superintendent Anna Campbell said the ban is difficult to enforce. She does mention to violators that smoking is prohibited, but the authority is not always met with compliance. She noted that there are several posted signs that warn residents that smoking is prohibited at the Culver Town Park and beach. A call will be made to police officers if residents are not complying with the ordinance or if there are threatening circumstances. But for those smokers out, if you´re facing a drug test, you can find Whizzinator for sale here.

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Culver Movie Theater Proposals Headed to the CRC

The Culver Town Council discussed the purchase of the Culver Movie Theater and received two proposals that will give the council and the Culver Redevelopment Commission a better idea of what to expect in terms of costs.

Town Manager Jonathan Leist presented proposals from the Troyer Group and SRKM that he said include plans for a public meeting to gather comments on the uses for the theater, a preliminary project budget for outlaying the capital costs for repairs on the building, a structural engineering assessment of the building, and a basic outline for a business plan with annual expenses versus revenue expenses for whatever concept may occupy the building.

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Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight

The Culver Town Council will meet tonight. Town Manager Jonathan Leist will present his report which will include an update on the Stellar Communities Designation Program grant.

Council President Ginny Bess Munroe appeared before the Marshall County Commissioners last week where the county governing body agreed to support the town’s quest in becoming a stellar community. Munroe said the Town of Culver was looking to show a united front with the county to include in their finalist packet due by Aug. 25.

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Culver Movie Theater Owner Presents Proposal to Town Council

The Culver Town Council met in a work session Wednesday afternoon to hear information from the owner of the Culver Movie Theater in his attempt to sell the landmark to the town.

The owner, who would only be referred to as Tom, said he’s put $30,000 into the property in the installation of new sewer and water lines as well as other maintenance measures to shore up the building. He said he paid $100,000 for the property and will sell the property to the town for the amount that he’s into it which is $130,000.

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Culver Town Council to Meet for Work Session

The Culver Town Council will meet in a work session this afternoon to discuss the proposed theater project.

The town council previously discussed purchasing the movie theater and renovating the structure. The current owner isn’t confident that the repairs can be made within a specified budget. The council members want to be sure to have architects or local contractors evaluate the renovation needs and offer opinions on needed repairs.

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Culver-Union Township Fire Chief Looking for Firefighters

Culver-Union Township Fire Chief Terry Wakefield is in need of firefighters.

He told the Culver Town Council last week that one more volunteer firefighter has left so the department is down to 17 firefighters. The department used to see around 23 to 25 firefighters on staff.

Wakefield is nearly set to hire one firefighter after the applicant passes drug testing and other requirements before hire. He previously served as a firefighter with Culver, but all of the procedures need to be followed before he is officially hired. The town council unanimously approved Wakefield’s request to move forward with testing.

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Culver Town Council Approves Culver Lake Fest Event

The Culver Town Council received an official permit request for the annual Culver Lake Fest event.

The annual celebration is scheduled for July 14-16 at the Culver Town Park. Town Manager Jonathan Leist explained to the council that a trolley will be taking visitors to and from the event which is a new feature this year. Residents will park at the Culver Community High School and be transported to the location of the festivities.

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Culver Town Council Approves Beach Lodge Renovation Plan Resolution

The Culver Town Council this week reviewed a resolution for renovations to the Culver Beach Lodge.

A Community Development Block Grant of $15,000 was awarded to the town with a local match of $3,500 for the renovations. Officials with the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs have reviewed the plans and are satisfied with how the grant money will be utilized.

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OWI Arrests Increase in Culver


The start of the summer vacation season in Culver has led to a few drunk driving arrests during the last two weeks.

Culver Police Chief Wayne Bean told the town council Tuesday night that in the past 10 days, six operating while intoxicated (OWI) arrests were executed by the Culver Police Department.

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Stellar Fest this Saturday in Culver

The Town of Culver is hosting a Stellar Fest this Saturday at the Culver Town Park from 10 a.m. to noon ET.

A lot of activities are packed into this two-hour event. Town Manager Jonathan Leist said Main Street designation recognition is right at the beginning of the event. Kids crafts will be offered as well as a “Choose Culver” board where residents can write down what they love about Culver. Leist added that a mock-up of a new Culver sign will be revealed and a new town logo. Stop by the Culver Farmer’s Market during the event and shop for locally grown products.

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